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Sunday 18 September 2022

learn about table tennis's past with (I'm World)

 What is Table Tennis?

A small ball, a wooden bet covered with rubber, and a tennis court in the shape of a table are used to compete against opponents in the game of table tennis, which can be played by two players playing alone or by two pairs of players playing doubles.

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, has two parent organizations: the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) for the international level and the All Indonesia Table Tennis Association (PTMSI) for the national level.

ping pong ball

The development of table tennis

Since the late 19th century, people in Britain have been familiar with the game of table tennis. Ping pong, whiff whaff, and gossima were the names used at the time to refer to table tennis. One of the nicknames for the entire nation is ping pong. It was even registered as a trademark in 1901 by a business from England called J. Jacques and Son, Ltd.

Since that time, the term "ping pong" is only used while playing using Jacques equipment; otherwise, it is known as "table tennis" by other manufacturers. Table tennis was a common indoor activity played after dinner back then, especially among the higher classes.

The initial set-up included a table, a row of books put in the middle of the table that served as a net, golf balls, and two books that served as bats for the ball. But in 1901, a fan of table tennis by the name of James W. Gibb discovered a celluloid ball.

The same year, E.C. Goode, a fan of table tennis, placed a sheet of rubber coating with spots on a wooden board with a smoother surface to make a wager using a current variation.

The Table Tennis Association, often known as TTA, was founded in the United Kingdom in 1921. The International Table Tennis Federation, or ITTF, and USA Table Tennis, or USAR, were both founded in 1926 and 1943, respectively. The inaugural event of this table tennis tournament took place in London, England, in 1926.

S.W. Hancock, Ltd., an English-based manufacturer of sporting goods, unveiled a new bat in 1950 that had a rubber-coated wood substance that was paired with a sponge layer at the bottom to increase the ball's speed and rotation.

Table tennis competitions were first staged in Indonesia at a National Sports Week, or PON, which took place in Solo in 1948. In the meanwhile, this sport was formally played at the Olympics that were held in Seoul, South Korea. 1988.

Fundamental Table Tennis Moves

You must first comprehend the fundamental table tennis game strategies in order to play table tennis efficiently and accurately. Here are some fundamental table tennis strategies that you can work on.

Methods for Holding Bets

The holding a bet technique consists of three techniques, some of which are as follows:

Shakehand Grip

A bet can be held using the "shakehand grip," which simulates shaking hands. Professional table tennis players frequently employ this approach, which is also quite well-liked in European nations. Using the shakehand grip style, you can hit a ball with both sides of the bat.

Pinch Grip

The second method involves holding a wager in a pen-like or penhold-like grip. The Asian grip is another name for this maneuver. You can also hit the ball with one side of the bet using this method.

Considerer Grip

The third tactic, which is also known as the "American grip," is quite popular among elite players. The upper bat is rotated between 20 and 90 degrees toward the body, and the index finger is squeezed along the side of the bat, similar to how the shakehand grip is used to hold this bat.

Body Alignment

There are two different body positions used in table tennis, including:

Technique of Stance (Standby)

When assaulting an opponent or repelling an attack from an opponent, stance technique positions the feet, hands, and limbs. This method uses two different styles, namely:

When receiving a service ball or when preparing to return an assault from the opposition, players often adopt the square stance, in which their bodies are positioned with their backs facing the table. The motion of one foot walking forward, backward, right, left, or diagonally is the technique.

When attacking an opponent, the side stance method is used to move your body sideways to the left or right so that your shoulders are closer to the net. You can set up the left shoulder to be close to the net for left-handed players.

Footwork Methods

Table tennis has one step, two steps, three steps, and even more than three steps in its step count. The right side, front, left, rear, or diagonally are all possible foot motion directions.

The distance from the player's location to where the ball is coming from must be balanced with the foot position. Use a 1-step movement or stay still if the distance is small enough. Use the 2-step movement if the distance is sufficient.

The two-step method is a common footwork style, especially for players who frequently attack their opponents. the following steps:

With the knees slightly bent, the body weight is evenly distributed between the two feet before being stacked on the toes.

The left foot is moved to the left and the weight is also transferred to the left foot when taking a step to the left. If you want to do it repeatedly, use the exact same method.

The left foot is followed by the right foot. The right foot is pulled backwards until it is in line with the starting position of the stroke if you want to perform a forehand.

After striking the ball, focus on the ball before resuming your original position.

Use your right foot to push if you wish to travel to the left.

Move backwards if you don't stay in the ready stance, but stay still if your opponent hits the ball.

Pull your right foot back so that your body is in the starting position for the forehand shot if you wish to try it.

When making an attack, consider the ball's direction first, then reposition yourself.

Don't gesture when you strike the ball, but keep an eye on where your opponent is.

Using the Ball to Hit

In this game of table tennis, there are two different ways to hit the ball, including:

backhand and forehand.

A ball is tossed towards a partner while using the forehand and straight backhand techniques. This is done in groups or in pairs. The buoy will shift to a new location after the player who made the impact.

Forehand and backhand crosses

The cross forehand and backhand stroke techniques are balls that are hurled into a partner, then rebounded towards the table with a service shot.

Servicing Procedures

The serving method is broken down into three categories: forehand and backhand straight serves in the serving field; crossing; and target direction. After making the blow, the three techniques are performed in groups that travel from one location to another.

Here are some proper service techniques for receiving the service ball:

The ball is served while it is at rest in the centre of the palm.

With a 16 cm height, the ball is bounced without vertical rotation.

The table is not first touched; the ball is struck after it has fallen.

The ball must be visible to the recipient of the serve when making one.

The referee or assistant referee will issue a warning if the service is performed in compliance with the rules.

Once the service ball has crossed a net and contacted the table once, it may be returned.

Smash Methods

There are two ways to use the smash technique, which include the following:

Smash your forehand.

The left foot is in front and the right foot is in behind when using this technique. Next, slant your body just a bit to the right so that your weight is supported on your right leg.

Your waist is slightly inclined to the right, and your right arm is pulled back. The arm is then raised from the bottom to the top as the ball bounces and reaches its highest position. Next, use your wrist to strike and press the ball downward.

Break Backhand

The torso is slightly angled to the left so that the right shoulder is facing the table in this technique, which places the right foot in the front and the left foot in the back.

Pulling the forearm higher than the table, behind, and to the left. Then, whip your forearm to the right front to strike the ball once it has bounced and reached its highest position. You press the ball and control its direction by using your wrist. From left to right, the weight changes.

Table tennis tools

Equipment needed for this game of table tennis includes the following:

1. Bet

There aren't any set guidelines on the size, weight, or form of the bet used in table tennis matches, but the leaf surface must be sturdy, level, and at least 85% made of wood when measured from its thickness.

Fibrous materials, such as carbon fiber, glass fiber, or compressed paper, can be used to reinforce the adhesive layer in the wood. The amount of material used cannot be more than 0.35 mm, or 7.5% of the overall thickness of the wager.

Rubber that is either smooth or spotted must be applied to the side of the bat that will be used to hit the ball. The thickness of the rubber, including the adhesive glue layer, should not be greater than 2 mm if the wager uses a speckled rubber layer that extends outward in the absence of a sponge.

The layer thickness, including glue, should not exceed 4 mm if the surface of the wager is covered with soft rubber, sandwich rubber, or sponge with spots inside or outside.

The player must show the bet to the opponent before the game begins and whenever a bet is changed while play is still in progress. The referee will then allow the opponent to check or try the bet.

2. Table a. Size of Table

Tables used in table tennis have the following sizes:

The table's length is 274 cm.

The table's width is 152.5 cm.

The table is 76 cm tall from the ground.

The side line is two centimeters thick.

The size of the table is 4.1785 m2 b. Terms in Table

The tables can be made of a variety of materials, but it must be able to bounce a ball dropped from a height of 30 cm at a height of 23 cm.

The entire tabletop should be dark with a 2 cm broad white line running down its long and wide sides.

A parallel net with a finish line that must run over the breadth of the surface of each part of the table divides the table's surface into two equal portions.

A white line that is 3 mm broad and parallel to the table's straight edge divides the table into two similar half when playing doubles.

3. Net

The same particular standards that apply to tables also apply to nets in table tennis games, including:

A long net, two support posts, and two clamps that are affixed to the table make up the net set.

A rope fastened to the two ends of a 15.25 cm tall pole is used to install the net. The maximum length of the two poles at either end of the table's width is 15.25 cm.

The net is 183 cm long, 15.25 cm wide, and 15.25 cm tall, with an area of 0.279075 m2.

The length of the end of the net that needs to be as close as possible to the support posts, and the bottom of the net along the width of the table needs to be close to the table surface.

4. Ball

The table tennis ball has a diameter of 40 mm, weighs 2.7 grams, and is manufactured of a lightweight cellulose substance. The ball will produce a first bounce with a height of 23 to 26 cm when dropped from a height of 30.5 cm.

Ping pong balls are typically either white or orange. The quality of the ball is indicated by an asterisk (1, 2) or (3) on the ball. The ball is exceptionally high quality and typically used in an official event, as indicated by the asterisk 3 on it.

This led to a conversation about what table tennis means as well as other topics. I hope the preceding review was helpful and that you will give it a shot.



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