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Friday 26 August 2022

Indonesia has confirmed that monkeypox is present (Cacar Monyet), according to the RI Ministry of Health.


information virus

Kemenkes RI has confirmed that one Indonesian citizen has confirmed having the MONKEYPOX, also known as CACAR MONYET. The person in question is a 27-year-old woman named Pasien who had recently returned from a trip to another country before being arrested.

According to the report, the patient started experiencing symptoms of monkeypox on August 11, 2022, moved into the sole residence of the Kemenkes military on August 18, and had a positive PCR result on August 19.

Dr. Syahril, a juru bicara of the Kementerian Kesehatan RI, stated that the pasien were not sick and were adequately isolated from the outside world. Ia also encourages the populace to maintain their composure in the face of alarmingly high tular and cacar fatality rates relative to Covid-19.

According to a graph, there are currently 39,718 confirmed cases of cacar monyet worldwide, although just 12 people have died, or little under 0.001% of all cases. Additionally, Covid-19's method of transmission for monkeypox is not as straightforward as penularannya via erat-contained droplets.

Gejala cacar monyet is similar to gejala cacar air but is more ring-shaped. Demam, sakit kepala, nyeri otot, and kelelahan continued the gejala. The primary difference between gejala cacar air and cacar monyet is that cacar monyet results in pembengkakan on kelenjar getah bening (limfadenopati), but cacar air does not.

There won't be a tambahan infection or a berat komorbid that can affect the monkeypox's condition, so it will go away on its own and last for 2 to 4 weeks.

As a form of kewaspadaan, Kemenkes has been conducting intense pemantauan in every part of Indonesia, including the udara, laut, and darat. To encourage greater awareness of monkeypox, the Pemerintah has also given instructions to every Indonesian Dinas Kesehatan, every sakit home, and Puskesmas.

A crucial point to keep in mind in the context of pencegahan is the constant practice of a healthy lifestyle (PHBS) as well as the advancement of healthy lifestyle practices such rajin mencuci tangan, drinking alcohol, and using maskers.

Public Information and Communication Agency, Kemenkes RI (Republic of indonesia)

More Information Here.

Location: Indonesia


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