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Thursday 15 September 2022

Learning about the History of Volleyball in Indonesia and the World



The meaning of volleyball

A volleyball game, or simply volleyball, is a kind of sport that pits two competing teams or groups against one another. In a volleyball match, a team or group consists of six players.

The sport of beach volleyball was added to volleyball's evolution. Unlike indoor volleyball, which has four players, beach volleyball only has two. The field is also not as big as a volleyball court indoors.

The sport of volleyball has a parent organization that regulates it, much like any other sport. The FIVB organization (Fédération Internationale de Volleyball), which serves as the parent organization of global coverage, casts a shadow over the world volleyball sports organization.

The PBVSI organization is responsible for regulating volleyball in the State of Indonesia (Volleyball Association of All Indonesia). Indonesian volleyball, particularly the men's team that won the SEA Games championship, has improved over time.

game of volleyball

As you are previously aware, there are two competing teams or groups playing in this volleyball match or sport. Six players make up each team or group, which competes to win the game's ultimate prize. One team or group can win by accumulating or attaining a score of 25, while a juice will happen if it has experienced the same score of 24.

There are a number of size rules in volleyball games and sports, including rules governing the size of the field, ball, and net. The volleyball court is typically 9 meters by 18 meters in size. The attacker's location's size for the boundary line is 3 meters from the center line. The border measures 5 meters in length.

Because the FIVB's rules, which specify a ball with a circumference of 65–67 cm, have established the size of the ball. Either real leather or fake leather is used to make the ball. Rubber or a similar material lines the interior of the ball. The ball is between 260 and 280 grams heavy.

The length of the net is around 9.5–10 meters. The height of the net used by male players is roughly 2.43 meters, whereas the height of the net used by female players is roughly 2.24 meters. The net is roughly one meter wide at this time.

Role of a volleyball player

There are players and assigned responsibilities in team volleyball games and sports, just like in other games and sports. There are four roles in the volleyball game or sport itself: the tosser/setter, the spiker/smash, the libero, and finally the defender (defender).


Players who play the tosser position feed the ball to other players and control the flow of the volleyball match.


Players who play the spike or smash positions function as ball bats with the goal of landing in the opposing team's area to score for their team.


Defenders who play the libero position are also referred to as players having the benefit of being able to freely enter and exit the court with the restriction that they cannot produce smash hits across the net or barrier.


The final one is the defender, who serves as a defender by deflecting or thwarting various attacks made by the adversary.

Volleyball's development across time and its history

The history of volleyball dates back to the United States, as did the origins of both the game and the sport itself. Eventually, the game spread throughout the world and was included among the Olympic sports.

The Name of the Volleyball Game's History

Are you aware? The sport or game of volleyball itself is a hybrid of four significant ball sports. What are the four main divisions in soccer? Basketball, tennis, baseball, and handball are the four main sports.

When volleyball was initially created, the sport was not yet recognized as such. People then were more familiar with and referred to this sport or game as minonette.

The person who created the game or sport of volleyball was Willian G. Morgan, a physical education instructor at the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association).

The Development of the Game of Volleyball over Time

When two physical education teachers, Willian G. Morgan, who later became the creator of the game or sport of volleyball, and another creator of a different game or sport who helped create the game or sport of basketball met, that is when the game or sport of volleyball was first invented and discovered.

Do you know who invented or started the popular handball game? He is Dr. Naismith James, you are correct.

After meeting with Dr. Naismith James, William G. Morgan devised and started the sport of minonette, which is today known as volleyball, four years later.

The beginning of the formation and origin of this volleyball game or sport, according to historical sources, is supposed to have been just for students who were studying at the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) who were older or not young longer.

This is why Willian G. Morgan designed the volleyball game or sport with a game tempo that is slower than the one that Dr. Naismith James established for basketball.

The First Permainan Volleyball Rules' History

Naturally, the creator of the sport or game, in this case William G. Morgan, sets and decides the volleyball regulations. He established various ground rules, such as the height of the net, which was initially designed as a net with a height of 1.98 meters before being erected in the center of the field.

Next, let's talk about the second rule, which is defining the parameters or requirements for the field's fixed dimensions of 7.6 x 15.2 meters. The final clause addresses the length or duration of the game.

Each team has three chances to hit with a service stroke throughout each of the nine sessions that make up a match or volleyball game.

Name Change from Mintonette to Volleyball

The sport or game that was formerly known as minonette changed its name to volleyball over time, or simply known as volleyball in Indonesia. Exact date when the sport's name was changed is 1896.

At the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) Training School, the first match simulation event was staged to commemorate Willian G. Morgan's decision to change the name of the sport from minonette to volleyball.

Around the beginning of 1896, Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick sent an invitation to Willian G. Morgan. In order to illustrate the structure and regulations of the volleyball game that he invented and coined, Willian G. Morgan took advantage of this offer by accepting one issued by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick.

Additionally, Willian G. Morgan led a number of seminars to outline the features of the volleyball game or sport that he invented.

One thing that can be understood from Willian G. Morgan's statement is that volleyball can be played either indoors or outside.

The second conclusion that may be derived from Willian G. Morgan's argument is that numerous players can follow the volleyball game. How come? There was no established cap on the number of volleyball players at the time.

The volleyball game's primary objective is to protect or defend one's own area or area from an opponent's ball attack and score as many points as possible by passing the ball through one's own net or nets, according to Willian G. Morgan's explanation.

The Evolution of Volleyball Throughout History

The volleyball game or sport has changed in terms of its rules and restrictions due to the passage of time and the advancement of society. A modification in the smash technique can be used to demonstrate this.

In 1916, a modification to the way this approach was used was first introduced. The three-touch rule in volleyball was subject to new rules and regulations in 1920, four years later. Following that, a new rule was established regarding the total number of points, or scores that previously equaled 15 were altered to 21.

The game of volleyball is known to have started to expand outside of the United States in 1900, specifically in Canada. In the years following its introduction to Canada, volleyball as a sport or game has spread and developed around the world.

After the volleyball game or sport became popular all over the world, a group was established that served as the sport's international parent organization. Federation Internationale de Volleyball, or FIVB, is the name of the global governing body for volleyball.

A volleyball match or sport championship was played internationally two years later. In 1949, specifically, was when the world championship held.

Indonesia's Volleyball Development in the Past

Volleyball is a game or sport that was introduced to Indonesia and is now one of the courses that physical education teachers in Dutch secondary schools, including HBS and AMS, teach. Have you heard of HBS and AMS?

The Hoogere Burgerschool, also known as HBS, is a public high school that was established by the Dutch in 1863. As for the name AMS, it stands for Algemeene Middelbare School, a public high school that was founded on July 5, 1919, in Yogyakarta.

Even though handball and volleyball games were introduced at the time and taught in a number of schools, the Indonesian people were unable to accept them as their own.

Only in the years leading up to Indonesia's independence did the game or sport of volleyball begin to take root in the hearts of its citizens.

The activity gained popularity, and in 1951 volleyball matches at PON 2 in Jakarta were formally included to the schedule.

Indonesian volleyball's holding body, IPVOS (Soerabaja Volleyball Association), was established in 1954. The growth of volleyball games or sports in Indonesia has seen considerable advancements despite moving slowly but gradually.

Numerous volleyball clubs quickly appeared in various parts of Indonesia. Finally, the volleyball parent organization in Indonesia prompted the conduct of a competition with this sport thanks to the positive enthusiasm of the Indonesian populace.

On January 22, 1955, this contest took place. The event took place in Jakarta at the same time as the inaugural national championship tournament.

The Surabaya Volleyball Association (IPVOS) and Pervid were the ones to start the PBVSI organization (Indonesian Volleyball Association Djakarta).

Following the establishment of the PBVSI organization, Wim J. Latumeten was chosen as its leader. Following that, the inaugural PBVSI conference took place in Jakarta in May 1955.

This organization joined the FIVB organization formally in 1955. Additionally, PBVSI offers three different tournament levels: Proliga, an annual volleyball match or competition in the State of Indonesia, Livoli, an Indonesian interclub volleyball match or championship, and National Championships (matches or competitions participated by various representatives from all over the world). clubs that have PBVSI registration).

Now that you know a little bit about volleyball's history, both in terms of how it came to be and how it expanded throughout the world, including Indonesia, it's time to move on.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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