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Saturday 17 September 2022

History of badminton

 What is Badminton?

One of the most well-known sports in the world, badminton is also known as badminton. Whereas badminton is a sport that is classified as a game and may be played either inside or outside on a specific field. The badminton court itself is divided into two halves of equal size and is bordered by a net pole that hangs from it.

This sport draws a lot of interest from a variety of circles, including those of different ages, skill levels, and talent levels. The game of badminton may be played quickly, therefore having quick reactions and being physically strong are both essential.

Players might also benefit in terms of social, mental, and entertainment benefits from playing badminton. In this manner, both the body's health and the number of pals grow.

Badminton is a sport that falls under the category of game sports. This activity can be played for fun or even as a venue for competitiveness.

Badminton is played with a player on one side who attempts to hit the shuttle over the net so that it can land on the opponent's predetermined field of play, almost identical to how tennis is played. The players should also make an effort to stop their rival from harming them in this way.

Additionally, each player must be aware of where the shuttlecocks are coming from and going out. To be able to enter the most points possible and win the game, you must comprehend this.


Tennis Group Form

Interesting enough, there are various groups or teams that play badminton, including:

1. Male Singles

The first category is men's singles, which designates teams with just one man or male player. As a result, each player will compete against other male singles players, and the victor is chosen by who scores the most points.

2. Female Singles

Female singles make up the second category. One female participant in this group is the game's player. His co-stars were both women's singles competitors, thus it was anticipated that the match would be fair and balanced and that the crowd would roar with enthusiasm.

3. Male Doubles

In the third category, men's doubles, each badminton team consists of two players who are all male. Another men's doubles team will then compete against the men's doubles. Whether they are from different Badminton Associations (PB), different nations, or different areas.

4. Women's Doubles

Women's doubles is the following division. Each team will include two female players, as the name would imply. To be fair, the adversary must likewise come from the same group.

5. Mixed Doubles

Finally, mixed doubles. A badminton team in this group consists of two players, one male and one female.

We are undoubtedly familiar with this collection of badminton games because they are so common. Additionally, since the 1980s, badminton has been a sport that has been successful in elevating the reputation of the Indonesian nation through the winning of gold medals at numerous international athletic competitions.

Every Indonesian squad that competes will undoubtedly have multiple groups on display during the game. Men's doubles, women's doubles, men's singles, women's singles, and mixed doubles are the different categories. It does not have to form a group when played outside of a professional arena and can merely be modified to the amount of players present.

The Badminton Game's History

The racket sport known as badminton is played by two players or two opposing couples. According to the "Shuttlecock/Kock Dancing Beautifully in the Air" module from the Ministry of Education and Culture's learning resource page, this sport originated in Ancient Egypt roughly 2000 years ago. Some claim that badminton has also started to gain popularity in China and India, though.

The Chinese game Jianzi, which used shuttlecocks, is claimed to be the source of this form of badminton. This one game, though, is played without a racket. The object of the game is to avoid using any hands to contact the ground as much as you can while the shuttle is in motion.

Children began playing battledores and shuttlecocks in England, specifically during the Middle Ages. At that time, the cock was kept from touching the ground in this game using paddles or sticks. In the history of badminton, England introduced this sport to Thailand as well as to China, Thailand, and Japan. Since then, kids have started to enjoy playing badminton.

In the meantime, a British officer in Pune, India, invented the competitive sport of badminton in the 19th century. They installed the net and played this game competitively at that time.

The game was then returned to England by soldiers in the 1850s. Isaac Spratt, an English toy salesman, gave this sport its current name in 1860 in a pamphlet titled "Badminton Battledore - a novel game."

The Badminton Bath club created the first set of badminton regulations in 1877. The British badminton association was established in 1893, and the first international competition was played in 1899.

The International Badminton Federation (IBF) was subsequently established in 1934 with the participation of England, France, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. The IBF later changed its name to Badminton World Federation (BWF) at the IBF Extraordinary General Meeting held in Madrid in 2006, and this name is still in use today.

 Indonesia's Badminton History

Around 1930, badminton first made its way to Indonesia. Then, in 1933, the Bataviase Badminton Bond and the Bataviase Badminton League, an Indonesian badminton organization, were founded. The two then combined to form a strong badminton organization.

On the island of Java, Indonesia hosted a number of badminton championships in 1934, the most of them were based in Bandung, West Java. The fact that there was a badminton competition at the time demonstrated how popular badminton was among Indonesians.

The All-Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) was founded in 1951 as a result of badminton's quick development. This group is responsible for regulating badminton. The first congress was held after PBSI was created to talk about the regulations and objectives of badminton in Indonesia.

Then Indonesia started to excel in badminton, and some of its players—including Rudi Hartono, Tan Joe Hok, Liem Swie King, Christian Hadinata, Susi Susanti, Alan Budi Kusuma, and Taufik Hidayat—were able to establish the country's reputation abroad. Additionally, there are still a number of players who have helped Indonesia become well-known in badminton.

Why Play Badminton and Its Advantages

In badminton, the shuttle must be hit repeatedly with a racket until it clears the net or nets and lands in the opponent's field area. If this is accomplished, the rally is ours to keep. We shall prevail in the match if we triumph in the predetermined rally.

Badminton has various advantages for our bodies, just like other sports or games, including:

1. Physical health

Playing badminton will burn fat at a rate of about 450 calories per hour, starting with sprinting, lunging, and hitting the ball. Everyone may stay in top shape and maintain their physical fitness with the help of this type of cardiovascular exercise.

2. Strengthen Athletics

This game's rapid-fire tempo will help us train our speed and sharpen our reflexes. Since the players must know how to trick their opponents with each stroke, intelligence is at least one of the crucial qualities that they must possess in this sport. As a result, badminton can enhance cognitive abilities.

3. Social Welfare

We obviously need at least one opponent in this game. We can play with two additional opponents in addition to our teammates. In this game, interacting with others can make you feel good. Being a part of a community or joining a league is one approach to keep your social life healthy.

4. Flexibility and Strength of Muscle

Our bodies get more flexible the more we exercise them, especially in sports like badminton where swing and reach are essential. Playing badminton can help you gain muscle strength as well as more flexibility.

5. Decreases Risk of Diabetes

Playing badminton can help the liver produce less sugar. As a result, it may aid in lowering blood sugar. In fact, a research by the Diabetes Prevention Program indicated that exercise was even more effective than medicine at lowering blood sugar levels or diabetes by up to 5%.

Badminton Game Equipment

At least two pieces of equipment are necessary for the game of badminton, including:

1. Racket

The badminton racket has a maximum length of 68 cm and a maximum width of 22 cm. The racket head or string area is 28 cm long and 22 cm wide. The weight of the racket, which can be either wood or aluminum, shouldn't be more than 150 grams. The cost of the racket ranges from tens of thousands to millions of rupiah.

2. Kok or Cock

The shuttlecock used in badminton is typically constructed of 16 feathers strung together on a cork with a diameter of 25 to 28 mm. The shuttlecock weighs between 4.74 and 5.5 grams on average. The height ranges from 64 to 74 mm.

Badminton Technical Badminton History

The following are some fundamental moves in badminton that you should be aware of:

1. Basic Mentality

The fundamental attitude is how one positions themselves throughout a game of badminton. Being in the middle of the field with your feet slightly apart and your knees bent is the proper standing position.

The body should then be trained to remain at ease and comfortable. When performing footwork, having the appropriate attitude will be quite helpful. This is possible since having quick feet will make it more difficult for your opponent to stop you, increasing your chances of winning.

2. Holding the Racket, Second

Two methods of holding a racket are frequently employed, namely:

front-hand hold

The forehand grip is a way to hold the racket with the head facing outward. The way we hold the racket is similar to how we shake hands. The other finger then tightly grips the racket while the thumb and fingers create the letter V.

backhand hold

The thumb is separated from the other four fingers in the backhand grip, which is almost identical to the forehand grip.

3. Service

In badminton, the forehand serve is typically executed by relying on a close proximity of the shuttlecock to the net line. In contrast, the high forehand serve is nearly identical to the low forehand serve except that greater force must be applied to the shuttle in order for it to fly high and fall behind the opponent's line.

In addition, backhand serves are also commonly employed by badminton players, particularly in doubles. The opponent will find it challenging to return this serve since the shuttlecock will be thin with the net.

4. striking

One of the fundamental aspects of badminton is striking the shuttle with a racket. There are various striking methods that are quite different, such as:


A player makes a hit by aiming as closely as they can to the opposing team's net area. This punch is delivered with a delicate, subtle touch of power.

Drive A technique with a quick, horizontal stroke is called a drive stroke. When playing doubles, this method is frequently employed.

strike to the head or over the top

The goal of an overhead hit, which is a technique used to hit the shuttle when it is over the opponent's head, is often to put the shuttle into the opponent's back.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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