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Thursday 15 September 2022





The modern ballet features a challenging movement style. Let's investigate the history of ballet in more detail.

Knowing ballet's history will help us better understand its styles and other aspects. When discussing history, the time/year journey and current era will be key topics. From time to time, we may observe how ballet is developing here.


Ballet was still a traditional dance that anybody could engage in when it was created in Italy around the year 1400. The word "ballet" itself derives from the word "ballo," which eventually became the verb "to dance," or "ballotte."

Balloon Court

A French aristocrat named King Henry II, who was married to an Italian woman named Catherine de Medici in the 1500s, brought ballet to France. Ballet is a dance that is only performed by royal and noble individuals at various royal and noble events in France.


Ballet was first used into opera productions (performing arts where acting, dance, and music are combined) in the 1700s. Opera productions are typically presented in theaters or other performance spaces.

The use of lavish, regal, and multi-layered clothing, as well as enormous, regal headdresses, are characteristics of this time period. There were no specific ballet shoes worn during this time period.


Male dancers predominated in this era's ballet, which included larger dances, more intricate techniques, high jumps, and numerous spins. It also tended to be acrobatic. Technical virtuoso is the term used to describe this large and complex movement skill.


They had begun to create their own ballet/repertoire tales during this time period when ballet was divorced from the theatrical arts. The depicted narrative creates a myth (a combination of two worlds; real and imaginary). Giselle and La Sylphide are two examples of the repertory from the time.

This age is characterized by light, fluid movement. For the first time, Charles Didelot invented pointe shoes—ballet shoes constructed so that ballet dancers can stand on their toes—and the shape is not what it is today—to give his female dancers the illusion of flying or floating. Pointe shoes were not stiff or pointed at that time.

To help dancers better keep their balance while performing, an Italian dancer by the name of Marie Taglioni created pointe shoes with a flat toe shape in the 19th century. In order to increase support while the dancer moved, Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova created pointe shoes in the 20th century that were tougher on the sole and box.

This era's costumes are characterized by their brighter hues (which tend to be white), calf-length tutus made of light materials, and aerial-like poses for the dancers.

Ballet russe

Due to the world war's occurrence in the 1900s, cultural exchanges between various nations started to take place; as a result, the stories that were presented at that time also incorporated influences from many nations. Additionally, the created story is more plausible.

At this time, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and other well-known ballets were created by the renowned choreographer Marius Petipa and are still performed today.

Shorter tutus were designed to enable leg movement in order to demonstrate more complex and demanding movement routines. The dancers must also have accurate and flawless movement techniques at this time.


After the Russe Ballet era, we go into the Neo-Classical Ballet era, which combines traditional ballet moves with newer, non-traditional ones.

Sergei Diaghilev invented this style of Neo-Classical ballet in 1920, and George Balanchine expanded and popularized it throughout the 20th century.

Neo-classical ballet is characterized by its faster, more fluid movements that are more akin to "playing"; in addition, this style of dance incorporates new positions that were not previously included in ballet techniques. Simplier costumes and a stage devoid of decorations are also added characteristics. exaggerated in order to draw the audience's attention on the dancers' movements The Royal Academy of Dance teaches Neo-classical ballet to its pupils by incorporating free movement exercises into the curriculum.

Ballet's historical antecedents

Ballet dance has undoubtedly changed over the centuries as its individual qualities have developed. Culture, growth, and the then-current political structure all had an impact on how ballet dancing evolved.

19th century, early

This was the start of ballet dance in Europe. As an adaptation of literary works, ballet dances first appeared in an opera as a pair performance. The evolution of European culture during this time was influenced by the incorporation of literary works into dance and opera dances.

The early 19th century saw the creation of works including La Sylphide, Giselle, Napoli, and A Folk Tale.

Period of late 19th century

At this time, Europe's growth of ballet dancing was also energized by classical music. As a result of cultural fusion, literary adaptation, and the introduction of accompanying classical music, the art of ballet dancing started to be utilized. The Swan Lake ballet, which is performed practically everywhere in the globe, is one of the most magnificent works of art. Don Quixote, Coppelia, La Bayadere, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Raymonda, and numerous other works are also included.

20th century's early

Russian ballet is growing quickly in current century. There has, however, been a little change in the dance style. Ballet dancing is made more expressive by the blending of local culture and the art form.

The use of costumes, footwear, and accessories also started to become unrestricted. At this period, ballet dance and other modern dances frequently collaborated.

The Fire Bird, Le Specter de la Rose, Apollo, The Prodigal Son, The Green Table, and many other ballet dance pieces came to be in the early 20th century.

20th century late

Ballet has been performed in accordance with the creator's inspiration since the turn of the 20th century. A large number of dance choreographers started to emerge to create balletic danceable stories. Cinderella, Pineapple Poll, La Fille mall Gardee, Manon, Romeo and Juliet, and many other works are examples of his work.

Ballet Dance Steps

Here are some fundamental ballet dance steps.

Leg Lifting Forward

Backward Leg Lift

First Position in Ballet

Ballet in second position

Hamstring Exercise

Walking Lunge

Dance classes for ballet

Barre Work

On this bar, basic technique motions are practiced as warm-up exercises as well as exercises to control balance.

Middle Work

The center work exercise technique is quite similar to the bar work exercise technique. The fundamental movements are identical to those in barre work, with the exception that they don't include a bar.

Leaps and forward-moving steps

At this point, exercises are performed more expressively. An arrangement of dance fragments was created by balancing and combining fundamental ballet movements.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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