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Saturday 8 October 2022

President: Conduct a thorough investigation and impose sanctions for the Kanjuruhan tragedy (INDONESIA, Malang, Stadion kanjuruhan)

The incident that occurred on Saturday, October 1, 2022, in Stadion Kanjuruhan, Kabupaten Malang, Province of Jawa Timur, is to be thoroughly investigated. Additionally, the President stated that organizations that have recently been breached must receive sanksi.

President Jokowi said in a media briefing on October 3, 2022, in the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB), Batang Regency, Central Java Province, "I have said, it is thoroughly investigated, sanctions are given to those who are guilty."

kanjuruhan malang

The president has requested help from each and every one of his or his advisors to solve this particular tragedy. The speaker said, "I also think my orders are clear to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, to the National Police Chief, to the Menpora and everything is clear."

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud Md. stated that the government had enlisted the help of the Joint Team of Independent Facts Seekers (TGIPF) to fully disclose the Kanjuruhan tragedy. This team will be led by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, whose membership will be determined in the next 24 hours.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs clarifies that the target audience for this time will be the officials/representatives of the relevant ministries, as well as observers, academics, and mass media organizations. "Soon, things will get underway. It will be possible to resolve this in two to four days from now," he said.

Further, Mahfud stated that the government has requested Polri to immediately apprehend any suspects who were in possession of tinnitus within a few days. Additionally, the police are mandated to conduct an evaluation of the security of the implementation in the holy land.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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