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History and Definition of the Futsal Ball Game

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Sunday 18 September 2022

learn about table tennis's past with (I'm World)

 What is Table Tennis?

A small ball, a wooden bet covered with rubber, and a tennis court in the shape of a table are used to compete against opponents in the game of table tennis, which can be played by two players playing alone or by two pairs of players playing doubles.

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, has two parent organizations: the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) for the international level and the All Indonesia Table Tennis Association (PTMSI) for the national level.

ping pong ball

The development of table tennis

Since the late 19th century, people in Britain have been familiar with the game of table tennis. Ping pong, whiff whaff, and gossima were the names used at the time to refer to table tennis. One of the nicknames for the entire nation is ping pong. It was even registered as a trademark in 1901 by a business from England called J. Jacques and Son, Ltd.

Since that time, the term "ping pong" is only used while playing using Jacques equipment; otherwise, it is known as "table tennis" by other manufacturers. Table tennis was a common indoor activity played after dinner back then, especially among the higher classes.

The initial set-up included a table, a row of books put in the middle of the table that served as a net, golf balls, and two books that served as bats for the ball. But in 1901, a fan of table tennis by the name of James W. Gibb discovered a celluloid ball.

The same year, E.C. Goode, a fan of table tennis, placed a sheet of rubber coating with spots on a wooden board with a smoother surface to make a wager using a current variation.

The Table Tennis Association, often known as TTA, was founded in the United Kingdom in 1921. The International Table Tennis Federation, or ITTF, and USA Table Tennis, or USAR, were both founded in 1926 and 1943, respectively. The inaugural event of this table tennis tournament took place in London, England, in 1926.

S.W. Hancock, Ltd., an English-based manufacturer of sporting goods, unveiled a new bat in 1950 that had a rubber-coated wood substance that was paired with a sponge layer at the bottom to increase the ball's speed and rotation.

Table tennis competitions were first staged in Indonesia at a National Sports Week, or PON, which took place in Solo in 1948. In the meanwhile, this sport was formally played at the Olympics that were held in Seoul, South Korea. 1988.

Fundamental Table Tennis Moves

You must first comprehend the fundamental table tennis game strategies in order to play table tennis efficiently and accurately. Here are some fundamental table tennis strategies that you can work on.

Methods for Holding Bets

The holding a bet technique consists of three techniques, some of which are as follows:

Shakehand Grip

A bet can be held using the "shakehand grip," which simulates shaking hands. Professional table tennis players frequently employ this approach, which is also quite well-liked in European nations. Using the shakehand grip style, you can hit a ball with both sides of the bat.

Pinch Grip

The second method involves holding a wager in a pen-like or penhold-like grip. The Asian grip is another name for this maneuver. You can also hit the ball with one side of the bet using this method.

Considerer Grip

The third tactic, which is also known as the "American grip," is quite popular among elite players. The upper bat is rotated between 20 and 90 degrees toward the body, and the index finger is squeezed along the side of the bat, similar to how the shakehand grip is used to hold this bat.

Body Alignment

There are two different body positions used in table tennis, including:

Technique of Stance (Standby)

When assaulting an opponent or repelling an attack from an opponent, stance technique positions the feet, hands, and limbs. This method uses two different styles, namely:

When receiving a service ball or when preparing to return an assault from the opposition, players often adopt the square stance, in which their bodies are positioned with their backs facing the table. The motion of one foot walking forward, backward, right, left, or diagonally is the technique.

When attacking an opponent, the side stance method is used to move your body sideways to the left or right so that your shoulders are closer to the net. You can set up the left shoulder to be close to the net for left-handed players.

Footwork Methods

Table tennis has one step, two steps, three steps, and even more than three steps in its step count. The right side, front, left, rear, or diagonally are all possible foot motion directions.

The distance from the player's location to where the ball is coming from must be balanced with the foot position. Use a 1-step movement or stay still if the distance is small enough. Use the 2-step movement if the distance is sufficient.

The two-step method is a common footwork style, especially for players who frequently attack their opponents. the following steps:

With the knees slightly bent, the body weight is evenly distributed between the two feet before being stacked on the toes.

The left foot is moved to the left and the weight is also transferred to the left foot when taking a step to the left. If you want to do it repeatedly, use the exact same method.

The left foot is followed by the right foot. The right foot is pulled backwards until it is in line with the starting position of the stroke if you want to perform a forehand.

After striking the ball, focus on the ball before resuming your original position.

Use your right foot to push if you wish to travel to the left.

Move backwards if you don't stay in the ready stance, but stay still if your opponent hits the ball.

Pull your right foot back so that your body is in the starting position for the forehand shot if you wish to try it.

When making an attack, consider the ball's direction first, then reposition yourself.

Don't gesture when you strike the ball, but keep an eye on where your opponent is.

Using the Ball to Hit

In this game of table tennis, there are two different ways to hit the ball, including:

backhand and forehand.

A ball is tossed towards a partner while using the forehand and straight backhand techniques. This is done in groups or in pairs. The buoy will shift to a new location after the player who made the impact.

Forehand and backhand crosses

The cross forehand and backhand stroke techniques are balls that are hurled into a partner, then rebounded towards the table with a service shot.

Servicing Procedures

The serving method is broken down into three categories: forehand and backhand straight serves in the serving field; crossing; and target direction. After making the blow, the three techniques are performed in groups that travel from one location to another.

Here are some proper service techniques for receiving the service ball:

The ball is served while it is at rest in the centre of the palm.

With a 16 cm height, the ball is bounced without vertical rotation.

The table is not first touched; the ball is struck after it has fallen.

The ball must be visible to the recipient of the serve when making one.

The referee or assistant referee will issue a warning if the service is performed in compliance with the rules.

Once the service ball has crossed a net and contacted the table once, it may be returned.

Smash Methods

There are two ways to use the smash technique, which include the following:

Smash your forehand.

The left foot is in front and the right foot is in behind when using this technique. Next, slant your body just a bit to the right so that your weight is supported on your right leg.

Your waist is slightly inclined to the right, and your right arm is pulled back. The arm is then raised from the bottom to the top as the ball bounces and reaches its highest position. Next, use your wrist to strike and press the ball downward.

Break Backhand

The torso is slightly angled to the left so that the right shoulder is facing the table in this technique, which places the right foot in the front and the left foot in the back.

Pulling the forearm higher than the table, behind, and to the left. Then, whip your forearm to the right front to strike the ball once it has bounced and reached its highest position. You press the ball and control its direction by using your wrist. From left to right, the weight changes.

Table tennis tools

Equipment needed for this game of table tennis includes the following:

1. Bet

There aren't any set guidelines on the size, weight, or form of the bet used in table tennis matches, but the leaf surface must be sturdy, level, and at least 85% made of wood when measured from its thickness.

Fibrous materials, such as carbon fiber, glass fiber, or compressed paper, can be used to reinforce the adhesive layer in the wood. The amount of material used cannot be more than 0.35 mm, or 7.5% of the overall thickness of the wager.

Rubber that is either smooth or spotted must be applied to the side of the bat that will be used to hit the ball. The thickness of the rubber, including the adhesive glue layer, should not be greater than 2 mm if the wager uses a speckled rubber layer that extends outward in the absence of a sponge.

The layer thickness, including glue, should not exceed 4 mm if the surface of the wager is covered with soft rubber, sandwich rubber, or sponge with spots inside or outside.

The player must show the bet to the opponent before the game begins and whenever a bet is changed while play is still in progress. The referee will then allow the opponent to check or try the bet.

2. Table a. Size of Table

Tables used in table tennis have the following sizes:

The table's length is 274 cm.

The table's width is 152.5 cm.

The table is 76 cm tall from the ground.

The side line is two centimeters thick.

The size of the table is 4.1785 m2 b. Terms in Table

The tables can be made of a variety of materials, but it must be able to bounce a ball dropped from a height of 30 cm at a height of 23 cm.

The entire tabletop should be dark with a 2 cm broad white line running down its long and wide sides.

A parallel net with a finish line that must run over the breadth of the surface of each part of the table divides the table's surface into two equal portions.

A white line that is 3 mm broad and parallel to the table's straight edge divides the table into two similar half when playing doubles.

3. Net

The same particular standards that apply to tables also apply to nets in table tennis games, including:

A long net, two support posts, and two clamps that are affixed to the table make up the net set.

A rope fastened to the two ends of a 15.25 cm tall pole is used to install the net. The maximum length of the two poles at either end of the table's width is 15.25 cm.

The net is 183 cm long, 15.25 cm wide, and 15.25 cm tall, with an area of 0.279075 m2.

The length of the end of the net that needs to be as close as possible to the support posts, and the bottom of the net along the width of the table needs to be close to the table surface.

4. Ball

The table tennis ball has a diameter of 40 mm, weighs 2.7 grams, and is manufactured of a lightweight cellulose substance. The ball will produce a first bounce with a height of 23 to 26 cm when dropped from a height of 30.5 cm.

Ping pong balls are typically either white or orange. The quality of the ball is indicated by an asterisk (1, 2) or (3) on the ball. The ball is exceptionally high quality and typically used in an official event, as indicated by the asterisk 3 on it.

This led to a conversation about what table tennis means as well as other topics. I hope the preceding review was helpful and that you will give it a shot.


Saturday 17 September 2022

History of badminton

 What is Badminton?

One of the most well-known sports in the world, badminton is also known as badminton. Whereas badminton is a sport that is classified as a game and may be played either inside or outside on a specific field. The badminton court itself is divided into two halves of equal size and is bordered by a net pole that hangs from it.

This sport draws a lot of interest from a variety of circles, including those of different ages, skill levels, and talent levels. The game of badminton may be played quickly, therefore having quick reactions and being physically strong are both essential.

Players might also benefit in terms of social, mental, and entertainment benefits from playing badminton. In this manner, both the body's health and the number of pals grow.

Badminton is a sport that falls under the category of game sports. This activity can be played for fun or even as a venue for competitiveness.

Badminton is played with a player on one side who attempts to hit the shuttle over the net so that it can land on the opponent's predetermined field of play, almost identical to how tennis is played. The players should also make an effort to stop their rival from harming them in this way.

Additionally, each player must be aware of where the shuttlecocks are coming from and going out. To be able to enter the most points possible and win the game, you must comprehend this.


Tennis Group Form

Interesting enough, there are various groups or teams that play badminton, including:

1. Male Singles

The first category is men's singles, which designates teams with just one man or male player. As a result, each player will compete against other male singles players, and the victor is chosen by who scores the most points.

2. Female Singles

Female singles make up the second category. One female participant in this group is the game's player. His co-stars were both women's singles competitors, thus it was anticipated that the match would be fair and balanced and that the crowd would roar with enthusiasm.

3. Male Doubles

In the third category, men's doubles, each badminton team consists of two players who are all male. Another men's doubles team will then compete against the men's doubles. Whether they are from different Badminton Associations (PB), different nations, or different areas.

4. Women's Doubles

Women's doubles is the following division. Each team will include two female players, as the name would imply. To be fair, the adversary must likewise come from the same group.

5. Mixed Doubles

Finally, mixed doubles. A badminton team in this group consists of two players, one male and one female.

We are undoubtedly familiar with this collection of badminton games because they are so common. Additionally, since the 1980s, badminton has been a sport that has been successful in elevating the reputation of the Indonesian nation through the winning of gold medals at numerous international athletic competitions.

Every Indonesian squad that competes will undoubtedly have multiple groups on display during the game. Men's doubles, women's doubles, men's singles, women's singles, and mixed doubles are the different categories. It does not have to form a group when played outside of a professional arena and can merely be modified to the amount of players present.

The Badminton Game's History

The racket sport known as badminton is played by two players or two opposing couples. According to the "Shuttlecock/Kock Dancing Beautifully in the Air" module from the Ministry of Education and Culture's learning resource page, this sport originated in Ancient Egypt roughly 2000 years ago. Some claim that badminton has also started to gain popularity in China and India, though.

The Chinese game Jianzi, which used shuttlecocks, is claimed to be the source of this form of badminton. This one game, though, is played without a racket. The object of the game is to avoid using any hands to contact the ground as much as you can while the shuttle is in motion.

Children began playing battledores and shuttlecocks in England, specifically during the Middle Ages. At that time, the cock was kept from touching the ground in this game using paddles or sticks. In the history of badminton, England introduced this sport to Thailand as well as to China, Thailand, and Japan. Since then, kids have started to enjoy playing badminton.

In the meantime, a British officer in Pune, India, invented the competitive sport of badminton in the 19th century. They installed the net and played this game competitively at that time.

The game was then returned to England by soldiers in the 1850s. Isaac Spratt, an English toy salesman, gave this sport its current name in 1860 in a pamphlet titled "Badminton Battledore - a novel game."

The Badminton Bath club created the first set of badminton regulations in 1877. The British badminton association was established in 1893, and the first international competition was played in 1899.

The International Badminton Federation (IBF) was subsequently established in 1934 with the participation of England, France, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. The IBF later changed its name to Badminton World Federation (BWF) at the IBF Extraordinary General Meeting held in Madrid in 2006, and this name is still in use today.

 Indonesia's Badminton History

Around 1930, badminton first made its way to Indonesia. Then, in 1933, the Bataviase Badminton Bond and the Bataviase Badminton League, an Indonesian badminton organization, were founded. The two then combined to form a strong badminton organization.

On the island of Java, Indonesia hosted a number of badminton championships in 1934, the most of them were based in Bandung, West Java. The fact that there was a badminton competition at the time demonstrated how popular badminton was among Indonesians.

The All-Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) was founded in 1951 as a result of badminton's quick development. This group is responsible for regulating badminton. The first congress was held after PBSI was created to talk about the regulations and objectives of badminton in Indonesia.

Then Indonesia started to excel in badminton, and some of its players—including Rudi Hartono, Tan Joe Hok, Liem Swie King, Christian Hadinata, Susi Susanti, Alan Budi Kusuma, and Taufik Hidayat—were able to establish the country's reputation abroad. Additionally, there are still a number of players who have helped Indonesia become well-known in badminton.

Why Play Badminton and Its Advantages

In badminton, the shuttle must be hit repeatedly with a racket until it clears the net or nets and lands in the opponent's field area. If this is accomplished, the rally is ours to keep. We shall prevail in the match if we triumph in the predetermined rally.

Badminton has various advantages for our bodies, just like other sports or games, including:

1. Physical health

Playing badminton will burn fat at a rate of about 450 calories per hour, starting with sprinting, lunging, and hitting the ball. Everyone may stay in top shape and maintain their physical fitness with the help of this type of cardiovascular exercise.

2. Strengthen Athletics

This game's rapid-fire tempo will help us train our speed and sharpen our reflexes. Since the players must know how to trick their opponents with each stroke, intelligence is at least one of the crucial qualities that they must possess in this sport. As a result, badminton can enhance cognitive abilities.

3. Social Welfare

We obviously need at least one opponent in this game. We can play with two additional opponents in addition to our teammates. In this game, interacting with others can make you feel good. Being a part of a community or joining a league is one approach to keep your social life healthy.

4. Flexibility and Strength of Muscle

Our bodies get more flexible the more we exercise them, especially in sports like badminton where swing and reach are essential. Playing badminton can help you gain muscle strength as well as more flexibility.

5. Decreases Risk of Diabetes

Playing badminton can help the liver produce less sugar. As a result, it may aid in lowering blood sugar. In fact, a research by the Diabetes Prevention Program indicated that exercise was even more effective than medicine at lowering blood sugar levels or diabetes by up to 5%.

Badminton Game Equipment

At least two pieces of equipment are necessary for the game of badminton, including:

1. Racket

The badminton racket has a maximum length of 68 cm and a maximum width of 22 cm. The racket head or string area is 28 cm long and 22 cm wide. The weight of the racket, which can be either wood or aluminum, shouldn't be more than 150 grams. The cost of the racket ranges from tens of thousands to millions of rupiah.

2. Kok or Cock

The shuttlecock used in badminton is typically constructed of 16 feathers strung together on a cork with a diameter of 25 to 28 mm. The shuttlecock weighs between 4.74 and 5.5 grams on average. The height ranges from 64 to 74 mm.

Badminton Technical Badminton History

The following are some fundamental moves in badminton that you should be aware of:

1. Basic Mentality

The fundamental attitude is how one positions themselves throughout a game of badminton. Being in the middle of the field with your feet slightly apart and your knees bent is the proper standing position.

The body should then be trained to remain at ease and comfortable. When performing footwork, having the appropriate attitude will be quite helpful. This is possible since having quick feet will make it more difficult for your opponent to stop you, increasing your chances of winning.

2. Holding the Racket, Second

Two methods of holding a racket are frequently employed, namely:

front-hand hold

The forehand grip is a way to hold the racket with the head facing outward. The way we hold the racket is similar to how we shake hands. The other finger then tightly grips the racket while the thumb and fingers create the letter V.

backhand hold

The thumb is separated from the other four fingers in the backhand grip, which is almost identical to the forehand grip.

3. Service

In badminton, the forehand serve is typically executed by relying on a close proximity of the shuttlecock to the net line. In contrast, the high forehand serve is nearly identical to the low forehand serve except that greater force must be applied to the shuttle in order for it to fly high and fall behind the opponent's line.

In addition, backhand serves are also commonly employed by badminton players, particularly in doubles. The opponent will find it challenging to return this serve since the shuttlecock will be thin with the net.

4. striking

One of the fundamental aspects of badminton is striking the shuttle with a racket. There are various striking methods that are quite different, such as:


A player makes a hit by aiming as closely as they can to the opposing team's net area. This punch is delivered with a delicate, subtle touch of power.

Drive A technique with a quick, horizontal stroke is called a drive stroke. When playing doubles, this method is frequently employed.

strike to the head or over the top

The goal of an overhead hit, which is a technique used to hit the shuttle when it is over the opponent's head, is often to put the shuttle into the opponent's back.


Thursday 15 September 2022

History and Definition of the Futsal Ball Game



The meaning of futsal

Two teams of five players each play the ball game known as futsal. The purpose of the game is to move the ball with your feet as much as possible into your opponent's goal.

The ball is used as a playable object in futsal. Futsal games can be played indoors or outdoors (indoor).

Each side is permitted to have a number of substitute players in addition to the five primary players. The futsal field is constrained by a line, not a papat or net, unlike other indoor soccer games.

There are many different names for the futsal game. Futbol, which means football, and sala, which means indoor, are the Spanish or Portuguese words from which the word "futsal" is formed.

Juan Carlos Martini, a Uruguayan, is credited for starting futsal's history, and FIFA has been the governing body of the sport since 1930.

More than 100 nations have adopted futsal as of late. The biggest tournament in futsal is the FIFA Futsal World Cup.

Futsal history

Juan Carlos Ceriani is credited with popularizing futsal in Montevideo, Uruguay, in the year 1930. In all of South America, but particularly in Brazil, futsal's distinctiveness has drawn praise. Brazilian players have demonstrated a variety of internationally renowned styles outside or rather on a regular-sized pitch, demonstrating the talents developed in this sport.

As an illustration, consider how Brazilian superstar Pele honed his skills in the game of futsal. While the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) now oversees futsal competitions across the globe, from Europe to Central America and North America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, Brazil continues to be recognized as the epicenter of the sport.

When the inaugural international match was played in 1965, the State of Paraguay became the first nation to take home the South American Cup. Up until 1979, there were six more South American Cup matches played, and Brazil won every one of them. Brazil was able to maintain its hegemony by taking home both the 1980 Pan American Cup and the 1984 Pan American Cup titles.

Before all of its members joined the FIFA organization in 1989, FIFUSA helped organize the first Futsal World Cup Championship, which was held in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo in 1982 and was won by Brazil. Brazil won again in the second World Championships, which were hosted in Spain in 1985, while Paraguay defeated Brazil in the third World Championships, which were held in Australia in 1988.

At Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California, in December 1985, the first international futsal game was played in the country.

Basic Futsal Game Techniques

Similar to the fundamentals of soccer, the fundamentals of futsal should be practically identical, namely:

1. Baiting or passing

In futsal, passing is a fundamental skill that players must perfect. This method involves swinging and directing the foot till it lands on the ball. You can pass with your outside, inside, rear, or side feet.

2. Managing the Ball or Managing

When a player receives the ball or stops an opponent's progress, they are said to be controlling. One of the most fundamental methods for teaching players to retain or control the ball can be stated to be this one.

The term "controlling" can also refer to a player's numerous on-field actions whether passing, dribbling, or shooting the ball in the direction of the opposition's goal. It is advised to use the inside of the foot when handling the ball. The outside and the bottoms of the feet appear to profit from the circumstance, as in dancing while the ball is being controlled.

3. Dribble instead of Dribble

One of the most essential skills for futsal players to develop is dribbling technique. The ability to dribble while competing is usually required before someone may kick the ball towards the opponent's goal.

However, it would be ideal to use your feet on the inside and outside areas between the insteps when dribbling in order to attain the desired effects.

In order to dribble well and get the desired results, a player must first control the ball well. Then, while in possession of the ball, the player must use judgment to give the opposition team some breathing room.

Remember to keep your balance whenever you are on the field, and practice making flexible body gestures to keep your dribbling correct.

4. Shooting a ball or other projectile

The following skill, shooting or shooting the ball, can be thought of as the conclusion of the futsal movement action. For instance, it is required to kick the ball accurately and forcefully into the opponent's goal net when a player is in a safe position and out of the opponent's reach in order to score.

When shooting, the instep should be used, and the ball should appear straight ahead and moving quickly.

5. Addressing

One of the fundamental methods for stealing the ball from the opposition is to tackle or slide the ball. To tackle, one must, however, exercise caution and vigilance.

This is done to lessen the possibility of injury to any players, whether they are the target or the attacker. It is possible to tackle while standing or sliding (sliding tackle).

6. Heading a ball or heading

Every futsal player can use his head in addition to his feet to play the ball during a futsal match. In a game, heading usually refers to passing the ball or shooting a goal into the opponent's net. The key is to head the ball with your forehead or the front of your head so it can glide with strength and direction.

Game Rules for Futsal

1. The field

Size: 25 x 15 meters

Boundary lines are 8 cm wide and consist of the touch line on each side, the goal line at the ends, and the transverse line in the middle of the field. The center circle is 3 m in diameter, and there are no barriers or planks anywhere on the field. putting up a barrier, like as netting, to prevent the ball from being thrown too far.

6 meter arc from each goalpost is the penalty area.

6 meters from the halfway point of the goal line, penalty point.

Second penalty spot: 10 meters from the goal line's center.

5 meters from the center line, to the side of the bleachers, from the throw, is the substitution zone.

Objective: 2 m high by 3 m wide

The throwing area's surface is flat, smooth, and non-abrasive.

2. Ball

Size: 4

Radius: 62–64 cm

Between 0.44 and 0.49 kilogram

55-65 cm at first bounce for the hull

Material: leather or another appropriate substance (i.e. harmless material)

players present (per team)

Five players at most may enter the field at once, with one serving as the goalkeeper.

Two players are required to conclude a game (excluding injuries)

Seven maximum reserve players.

There are two referees.

There are no linesmen.

There is no cap on the quantity of substitutions.

"Floating substitution" is a substitution technique (all players except the goalkeeper may enter and leave the field at any time; goalkeeper changes can only be made when the ball is not in play and with the approval of the referee)

Additionally, the official cannot enter the playing area. Only when there are violations that need to be addressed on the field is the referee permitted to be outside the field line.

3. Start of Play

2 to 20 minutes is considered standard.

Break duration: ten minutes

Extra time: 2 minutes and five seconds (if the outcome is still a tie after 2 minutes and twenty seconds of regular time).

If the combined goals of both sides at the conclusion of extra time are equal, there will be a penalty shootout (maximum 5 goals).

No more time; one timeout each team every half.

maximum 10 minutes for halftime

Sanctions and Infractions in Futsal Competitions

Of course, there are several categories of infractions and penalties in every sport, including futsal. in order to prevent players from lying or acting carelessly on the pitch. Examples of futsal penalties and infractions include the following:

1. Direct Free Kick

When a player breaks a regulation while the game is still in progress, the referee may give a straight free kick as a punishment.

The location of the infraction determines the location of the opposition team's free kick, which is nonetheless changed in accordance with the rules governing the position of the free kick.

The following transgressions result in free throws, including:

purposely advancing toward the opposition's camp

holding the ball with purpose (does not apply to goalkeepers in their own penalty area)

engaging in physical violence, such as kicking or punching a member of the other side,

pushing a member of the opposition's team with malice

making tackles, whether deliberate or not, against opponents' players

Attempting to pull, hold, or hold in order to agitate the players on the other team

2. Reverse Free Kick

For instance, if a side commits a foul through the goalkeeper or other players, an indirect free kick may be given.

As a result of a player's infringement or error, for instance, the following sanctions may come from indirect free kicks:

excessively kicking or hitting a player from the other team (this is classified as a hard violation and can be subject to applicable regulations such as disqualification)

When attempting to control the ball, players occasionally or purposely use their hands.

It must take a goalkeeper no more than four seconds to control the ball with their hands or feet.

3. Punishment Kick

If a player missteps in the penalty area, this clause is applicable. Because of the violation's nature, the mistake is comparable to a direct or indirect kick.

The referee must be involved and give requirements in the futsal game regulations in order for this penalty kick to result in sanctions.

Futsal Positions And Their Purposes

Football games typically have 11 players per team, whereas 5 players per team compete in a futsal match. However, in a futsal match, a player must primarily play one of four positions: goalkeeper or goalkeeper, anchor, flank, and pivot. The four futsal player positions, along with each position's responsibilities and roles, are fully described below:

1. Anchor

Both a defense and an assault organization tool, the anchor. It's similar to playing as a midfielder and a defense at the same time in a football game. The player who is in the initial position to launch an assault and the anchor both need to be strong when in control of the ball.

The anchor also has the duty of a defender when the team is under assault. The highest skills are required of anchors for this reason.

2. Flank (Ala)

A team's assault engine, known as the flank or ala, is made up of two people. They are on the left and right sidelines of the playing area; the flank is not just required to attack. But it also serves as a link between the pivot and the anchor (front player).

The flanker needs to be quick, have excellent ball control, and be able to set up goals for the team. In fact, it's not unusual for the flank to come up with the goal itself. Along with situating oneself strategically, flankers need to be aware of when opportunities for goals arise.

3. Pivot

A pivot is a forward or an attacker. It must convert chances into points. Pivots can function as game controllers in a manner similar to anchors. Before entering the team's defensive zone, Pivot is also the first player who can help to blunt an opponent's attacks.

4. The goalkeeper

The most specialized position in futsal is that of goalie or goalkeeper (as in many other sports where goals are played). The goalkeeper's primary responsibility is to defend or prevent the team's goal from being shattered or scored upon by the opposing team.

Only goalkeepers are permitted to touch the ball with their hands or arms, and even then, only within the designated penalty area.






The modern ballet features a challenging movement style. Let's investigate the history of ballet in more detail.

Knowing ballet's history will help us better understand its styles and other aspects. When discussing history, the time/year journey and current era will be key topics. From time to time, we may observe how ballet is developing here.


Ballet was still a traditional dance that anybody could engage in when it was created in Italy around the year 1400. The word "ballet" itself derives from the word "ballo," which eventually became the verb "to dance," or "ballotte."

Balloon Court

A French aristocrat named King Henry II, who was married to an Italian woman named Catherine de Medici in the 1500s, brought ballet to France. Ballet is a dance that is only performed by royal and noble individuals at various royal and noble events in France.


Ballet was first used into opera productions (performing arts where acting, dance, and music are combined) in the 1700s. Opera productions are typically presented in theaters or other performance spaces.

The use of lavish, regal, and multi-layered clothing, as well as enormous, regal headdresses, are characteristics of this time period. There were no specific ballet shoes worn during this time period.


Male dancers predominated in this era's ballet, which included larger dances, more intricate techniques, high jumps, and numerous spins. It also tended to be acrobatic. Technical virtuoso is the term used to describe this large and complex movement skill.


They had begun to create their own ballet/repertoire tales during this time period when ballet was divorced from the theatrical arts. The depicted narrative creates a myth (a combination of two worlds; real and imaginary). Giselle and La Sylphide are two examples of the repertory from the time.

This age is characterized by light, fluid movement. For the first time, Charles Didelot invented pointe shoes—ballet shoes constructed so that ballet dancers can stand on their toes—and the shape is not what it is today—to give his female dancers the illusion of flying or floating. Pointe shoes were not stiff or pointed at that time.

To help dancers better keep their balance while performing, an Italian dancer by the name of Marie Taglioni created pointe shoes with a flat toe shape in the 19th century. In order to increase support while the dancer moved, Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova created pointe shoes in the 20th century that were tougher on the sole and box.

This era's costumes are characterized by their brighter hues (which tend to be white), calf-length tutus made of light materials, and aerial-like poses for the dancers.

Ballet russe

Due to the world war's occurrence in the 1900s, cultural exchanges between various nations started to take place; as a result, the stories that were presented at that time also incorporated influences from many nations. Additionally, the created story is more plausible.

At this time, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and other well-known ballets were created by the renowned choreographer Marius Petipa and are still performed today.

Shorter tutus were designed to enable leg movement in order to demonstrate more complex and demanding movement routines. The dancers must also have accurate and flawless movement techniques at this time.


After the Russe Ballet era, we go into the Neo-Classical Ballet era, which combines traditional ballet moves with newer, non-traditional ones.

Sergei Diaghilev invented this style of Neo-Classical ballet in 1920, and George Balanchine expanded and popularized it throughout the 20th century.

Neo-classical ballet is characterized by its faster, more fluid movements that are more akin to "playing"; in addition, this style of dance incorporates new positions that were not previously included in ballet techniques. Simplier costumes and a stage devoid of decorations are also added characteristics. exaggerated in order to draw the audience's attention on the dancers' movements The Royal Academy of Dance teaches Neo-classical ballet to its pupils by incorporating free movement exercises into the curriculum.

Ballet's historical antecedents

Ballet dance has undoubtedly changed over the centuries as its individual qualities have developed. Culture, growth, and the then-current political structure all had an impact on how ballet dancing evolved.

19th century, early

This was the start of ballet dance in Europe. As an adaptation of literary works, ballet dances first appeared in an opera as a pair performance. The evolution of European culture during this time was influenced by the incorporation of literary works into dance and opera dances.

The early 19th century saw the creation of works including La Sylphide, Giselle, Napoli, and A Folk Tale.

Period of late 19th century

At this time, Europe's growth of ballet dancing was also energized by classical music. As a result of cultural fusion, literary adaptation, and the introduction of accompanying classical music, the art of ballet dancing started to be utilized. The Swan Lake ballet, which is performed practically everywhere in the globe, is one of the most magnificent works of art. Don Quixote, Coppelia, La Bayadere, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Raymonda, and numerous other works are also included.

20th century's early

Russian ballet is growing quickly in current century. There has, however, been a little change in the dance style. Ballet dancing is made more expressive by the blending of local culture and the art form.

The use of costumes, footwear, and accessories also started to become unrestricted. At this period, ballet dance and other modern dances frequently collaborated.

The Fire Bird, Le Specter de la Rose, Apollo, The Prodigal Son, The Green Table, and many other ballet dance pieces came to be in the early 20th century.

20th century late

Ballet has been performed in accordance with the creator's inspiration since the turn of the 20th century. A large number of dance choreographers started to emerge to create balletic danceable stories. Cinderella, Pineapple Poll, La Fille mall Gardee, Manon, Romeo and Juliet, and many other works are examples of his work.

Ballet Dance Steps

Here are some fundamental ballet dance steps.

Leg Lifting Forward

Backward Leg Lift

First Position in Ballet

Ballet in second position

Hamstring Exercise

Walking Lunge

Dance classes for ballet

Barre Work

On this bar, basic technique motions are practiced as warm-up exercises as well as exercises to control balance.

Middle Work

The center work exercise technique is quite similar to the bar work exercise technique. The fundamental movements are identical to those in barre work, with the exception that they don't include a bar.

Leaps and forward-moving steps

At this point, exercises are performed more expressively. An arrangement of dance fragments was created by balancing and combining fundamental ballet movements.


The Evolution of Running across Time

 Given that running is growing in popularity among the general population, it is important to understand the history of the sport. Particularly when using a running app that measures their distance and pace, runners become more motivated to run faster and set new records. Running has grown in popularity, with fun runs happening virtually every week in major cities.

Numerous running organizations have sprouted up in Indonesia itself, and one of them even organizes group runs to work. This demonstrates what a good sport running is. Even those who are constantly busy at work can find time to jog around the house or run on the weekends.


Running History

Many people claim that running is the most affordable sport, but the truth is that the cost of running depends on where and what kind of shoes are worn when running. It's different if you wear the newest running shoes to run on a treadmill, but it doesn't cost much if you just do it around the house. Running may be done by everyone, it is true.

It turns out that this enjoyable and simple activity is one of the oldest in the world. The history of the sport of running is explained in the paragraphs that follow.

the meaning of running

Even before running became a sport, humans have been used to running since the beginning of time. Early people used running to chase animals for sustenance. They avoid being pursued by hostile parties or wild animals by running.

Watch a little toddler who is just starting to walk. They had already sped up their speed before they could walk. They run back and forth because their bodies are still too weak to support their small feet. The human body is built to allow for running. Simply see the little human feet, which serve to propel the body forward. Additionally, the hips are sized larger than the feet in order to prevent them from collapsing when the body must move in an upright position.

Human bodies are built for running. Because you don't need specialized equipment or locations to just run. Running is adored by many people as a result.

Sports Development for Running

When a Greek soldier raced 40 kilometers from Greece to Athens to announce Greece's victory over Persia, the sport of running was born. The soldier made it to Athens safely, but he died. At the first Olympics, which took place around 776 BC, a running competition was held to honor the contributions that these troops had provided.

1. The Classical Games

The first sporting events bore the name of the city where they were held, specifically Olympia. This competition was given the name Olympics as a result. There were only 5 sports being played at the time, and 3 of them used the feet. The champions of this olympiad received financial awards as well as olive oil, which was a significant commodity at the time. This marks the start of the illustrious history of the rapidly expanding sport of running.

2. Contemporary Olympics

One historian claims that because of the French victory against the Franco-Prussians in 1870–1871, the French army lacked physical training. Restructuring and a significant anti-Olympics movement were launched as a result. The first modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896 thanks to these efforts. There were 250 individuals competing in 9 different sports.

Running sports are divided into three categories according to the times:

The distances for sprints are 50, 55, 60, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, and 500 meters.

The three distances for middle distance running are 800, 1,500, and 3,000 meters.

running over a long distance (marathon), split into 5,000 and 10,000 meters.

3. a mile and four minutes

Roger Bannister ran the mile in Oxford in under 3:59.4 seconds on May 6, 1954, shattering the previous record. Since then, other runners use Roger Bannister's running speed as the benchmark.

4. Women Enter the Sports Industry

In 1928, the Olympics included 5 sports for women, including running, to assist the push for gender equality in athletics. The inaugural women's race was an 800-meter run, and several of the competitors passed out at the finish line from tiredness. However, since the 1990s, women have been able to finish 5,000- to 10,000-meter marathons.

5. Africans' Participation in the Olympics

Whites dominated long-distance races for a long time before Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia eventually broke through. He won the marathon at the Olympics in 1960 and 1964. Numerous black athletes have now won Olympic races over time.

6. Progress Made So Far

Running has advanced really quickly. Nearly every major city hosts a large-scale running event each year. Even this marathon is typically staged to promote a new product line or raise money for charity.

advantages of running

It is impossible for a runner to hurt himself while they are running. Whether it's a sprain, a knee injury brought on by a fall, or a blister brought on by donning unsuitable footwear. Here are a few advantages of running, including:

1. Smiling more

Because running can induce the hormone insulin, which promotes pleasure and well-being, to be released, walking is also frequently employed as a kind of therapy for those who suffer from depression.

2. Shed Pounds

Running can aid in the body's fat-burning process. As a result, the typical bodily contour is preserved. It takes a little longer for beginners to achieve the optimal body form. Regularly run, and when you walk, extend your distance and duration.

3. Decreases Cardiovascular Disease Risk

In addition to improving breathing, running lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lowering cholesterol can help prevent heart disease. Running frequently can lower your risk of developing coronary heart disease.

4. Protect against osteoporosis

Your bones and knees can both be strengthened by running. because new bone cells are created during exercise and grow stronger than those in non-runners. Knees are accustomed to supporting weight.

Running Styles

The types of running that you should be aware of are explained below, including the following:

1. Sprinting or short-distance running

Athletes competing in the event must run as quickly as they can throughout the short-distance portion of the competition. With maximal power at a not too far distance.

This short-distance sprint typically covers distances between 100 and 400 meters, starting at 100 meters. Because the distance covered during this style of running is not great, athletes must employ their full potential.

2. Marathon or long-distance running

Marathons are one of the most popular sports, and interest is rising. Because the marathon is a popular among the locals and is said to be able to test competitors' stamina and adrenaline levels.

The marathon typically starts at a distance of 3 km, 5 km, or even 10 km, depending on the total distance covered. Naturally, this will result in great tiredness.

It makes sense that this race is called the Marathon. However, a causeway is also present close to the race.

3. Running a medium distance

As the name implies, this distance is in the middle—neither it's too wide nor too long. Between 800 and 1500 meters is the range. With a profile style known as ball-hell-ball, medium distance is slightly different from short distance.

This kind of physical activity is efficient at burning fat and is, of course, very good for the body.

As a result, we will discuss how to present the history of running in a concise and straightforward manner. I hope this evaluation will be helpful and advantageous to all of you.


Learning about the History of Volleyball in Indonesia and the World



The meaning of volleyball

A volleyball game, or simply volleyball, is a kind of sport that pits two competing teams or groups against one another. In a volleyball match, a team or group consists of six players.

The sport of beach volleyball was added to volleyball's evolution. Unlike indoor volleyball, which has four players, beach volleyball only has two. The field is also not as big as a volleyball court indoors.

The sport of volleyball has a parent organization that regulates it, much like any other sport. The FIVB organization (Fédération Internationale de Volleyball), which serves as the parent organization of global coverage, casts a shadow over the world volleyball sports organization.

The PBVSI organization is responsible for regulating volleyball in the State of Indonesia (Volleyball Association of All Indonesia). Indonesian volleyball, particularly the men's team that won the SEA Games championship, has improved over time.

game of volleyball

As you are previously aware, there are two competing teams or groups playing in this volleyball match or sport. Six players make up each team or group, which competes to win the game's ultimate prize. One team or group can win by accumulating or attaining a score of 25, while a juice will happen if it has experienced the same score of 24.

There are a number of size rules in volleyball games and sports, including rules governing the size of the field, ball, and net. The volleyball court is typically 9 meters by 18 meters in size. The attacker's location's size for the boundary line is 3 meters from the center line. The border measures 5 meters in length.

Because the FIVB's rules, which specify a ball with a circumference of 65–67 cm, have established the size of the ball. Either real leather or fake leather is used to make the ball. Rubber or a similar material lines the interior of the ball. The ball is between 260 and 280 grams heavy.

The length of the net is around 9.5–10 meters. The height of the net used by male players is roughly 2.43 meters, whereas the height of the net used by female players is roughly 2.24 meters. The net is roughly one meter wide at this time.

Role of a volleyball player

There are players and assigned responsibilities in team volleyball games and sports, just like in other games and sports. There are four roles in the volleyball game or sport itself: the tosser/setter, the spiker/smash, the libero, and finally the defender (defender).


Players who play the tosser position feed the ball to other players and control the flow of the volleyball match.


Players who play the spike or smash positions function as ball bats with the goal of landing in the opposing team's area to score for their team.


Defenders who play the libero position are also referred to as players having the benefit of being able to freely enter and exit the court with the restriction that they cannot produce smash hits across the net or barrier.


The final one is the defender, who serves as a defender by deflecting or thwarting various attacks made by the adversary.

Volleyball's development across time and its history

The history of volleyball dates back to the United States, as did the origins of both the game and the sport itself. Eventually, the game spread throughout the world and was included among the Olympic sports.

The Name of the Volleyball Game's History

Are you aware? The sport or game of volleyball itself is a hybrid of four significant ball sports. What are the four main divisions in soccer? Basketball, tennis, baseball, and handball are the four main sports.

When volleyball was initially created, the sport was not yet recognized as such. People then were more familiar with and referred to this sport or game as minonette.

The person who created the game or sport of volleyball was Willian G. Morgan, a physical education instructor at the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association).

The Development of the Game of Volleyball over Time

When two physical education teachers, Willian G. Morgan, who later became the creator of the game or sport of volleyball, and another creator of a different game or sport who helped create the game or sport of basketball met, that is when the game or sport of volleyball was first invented and discovered.

Do you know who invented or started the popular handball game? He is Dr. Naismith James, you are correct.

After meeting with Dr. Naismith James, William G. Morgan devised and started the sport of minonette, which is today known as volleyball, four years later.

The beginning of the formation and origin of this volleyball game or sport, according to historical sources, is supposed to have been just for students who were studying at the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) who were older or not young longer.

This is why Willian G. Morgan designed the volleyball game or sport with a game tempo that is slower than the one that Dr. Naismith James established for basketball.

The First Permainan Volleyball Rules' History

Naturally, the creator of the sport or game, in this case William G. Morgan, sets and decides the volleyball regulations. He established various ground rules, such as the height of the net, which was initially designed as a net with a height of 1.98 meters before being erected in the center of the field.

Next, let's talk about the second rule, which is defining the parameters or requirements for the field's fixed dimensions of 7.6 x 15.2 meters. The final clause addresses the length or duration of the game.

Each team has three chances to hit with a service stroke throughout each of the nine sessions that make up a match or volleyball game.

Name Change from Mintonette to Volleyball

The sport or game that was formerly known as minonette changed its name to volleyball over time, or simply known as volleyball in Indonesia. Exact date when the sport's name was changed is 1896.

At the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) Training School, the first match simulation event was staged to commemorate Willian G. Morgan's decision to change the name of the sport from minonette to volleyball.

Around the beginning of 1896, Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick sent an invitation to Willian G. Morgan. In order to illustrate the structure and regulations of the volleyball game that he invented and coined, Willian G. Morgan took advantage of this offer by accepting one issued by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick.

Additionally, Willian G. Morgan led a number of seminars to outline the features of the volleyball game or sport that he invented.

One thing that can be understood from Willian G. Morgan's statement is that volleyball can be played either indoors or outside.

The second conclusion that may be derived from Willian G. Morgan's argument is that numerous players can follow the volleyball game. How come? There was no established cap on the number of volleyball players at the time.

The volleyball game's primary objective is to protect or defend one's own area or area from an opponent's ball attack and score as many points as possible by passing the ball through one's own net or nets, according to Willian G. Morgan's explanation.

The Evolution of Volleyball Throughout History

The volleyball game or sport has changed in terms of its rules and restrictions due to the passage of time and the advancement of society. A modification in the smash technique can be used to demonstrate this.

In 1916, a modification to the way this approach was used was first introduced. The three-touch rule in volleyball was subject to new rules and regulations in 1920, four years later. Following that, a new rule was established regarding the total number of points, or scores that previously equaled 15 were altered to 21.

The game of volleyball is known to have started to expand outside of the United States in 1900, specifically in Canada. In the years following its introduction to Canada, volleyball as a sport or game has spread and developed around the world.

After the volleyball game or sport became popular all over the world, a group was established that served as the sport's international parent organization. Federation Internationale de Volleyball, or FIVB, is the name of the global governing body for volleyball.

A volleyball match or sport championship was played internationally two years later. In 1949, specifically, was when the world championship held.

Indonesia's Volleyball Development in the Past

Volleyball is a game or sport that was introduced to Indonesia and is now one of the courses that physical education teachers in Dutch secondary schools, including HBS and AMS, teach. Have you heard of HBS and AMS?

The Hoogere Burgerschool, also known as HBS, is a public high school that was established by the Dutch in 1863. As for the name AMS, it stands for Algemeene Middelbare School, a public high school that was founded on July 5, 1919, in Yogyakarta.

Even though handball and volleyball games were introduced at the time and taught in a number of schools, the Indonesian people were unable to accept them as their own.

Only in the years leading up to Indonesia's independence did the game or sport of volleyball begin to take root in the hearts of its citizens.

The activity gained popularity, and in 1951 volleyball matches at PON 2 in Jakarta were formally included to the schedule.

Indonesian volleyball's holding body, IPVOS (Soerabaja Volleyball Association), was established in 1954. The growth of volleyball games or sports in Indonesia has seen considerable advancements despite moving slowly but gradually.

Numerous volleyball clubs quickly appeared in various parts of Indonesia. Finally, the volleyball parent organization in Indonesia prompted the conduct of a competition with this sport thanks to the positive enthusiasm of the Indonesian populace.

On January 22, 1955, this contest took place. The event took place in Jakarta at the same time as the inaugural national championship tournament.

The Surabaya Volleyball Association (IPVOS) and Pervid were the ones to start the PBVSI organization (Indonesian Volleyball Association Djakarta).

Following the establishment of the PBVSI organization, Wim J. Latumeten was chosen as its leader. Following that, the inaugural PBVSI conference took place in Jakarta in May 1955.

This organization joined the FIVB organization formally in 1955. Additionally, PBVSI offers three different tournament levels: Proliga, an annual volleyball match or competition in the State of Indonesia, Livoli, an Indonesian interclub volleyball match or championship, and National Championships (matches or competitions participated by various representatives from all over the world). clubs that have PBVSI registration).

Now that you know a little bit about volleyball's history, both in terms of how it came to be and how it expanded throughout the world, including Indonesia, it's time to move on.


Wednesday 14 September 2022

History of Swimming

 Swimming is a physical exercise done in water using certain methods. Everyone, including young children, teenagers, and adults, can swim. Because there are swimming olympiads at both the national and international levels, this sport is practiced more frequently than it is just a regular activity. At addition to volleyball, basketball, running, soccer, and other sports, there is a water sport that is competed for medals in the Olympics.

swimming heritage

Swimming has many health benefits that should be recognized, including the ability to build stronger muscles, increase body flexibility, improve cardiovascular health, burn fat and calories, reduce stress, and alleviate disease symptoms. Swimming can also reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular function. asthma that negatively affects physical health.

swimming pool

Learning More About Swimming's Past

Did you realize that swimming has been around since the Stone Age? The 10,000-year-old rock paintings provide evidence for the history of this swimming. The individual swimming in the painting is depicted as being in Wadisura, in western Egypt. A painting of a swimming pool depicting a specific ceremony dates back to 4000 BC. This iconic artwork of swimming history is kept in the Kebir desert.

Colymbete, a book by Nikoalaus Wynman, is about the history of swimming, including techniques, procedures, and first aid for accidents that happen while swimming. The goal of writing this book in 1539 was to reduce the amount of drowning fatalities. Everard Digby noted in his book that the breaststroke is the finest swimming stroke and that humans are better swimmers than fish in 1587.

While swimming competitions were first staged in England in 1830, swimming for the general public was first made available in 1828. There were just two Americans and one Englishman present for the 1844 swimming competition in London. 

Nancy Edberg popularized swimming for women. Swimming, he claimed, could be enjoyed by people of all sexes. Nancy teaches swimming to all of the females. In 1892, a women's swimming competition was conducted for the first time. The sport of swimming has since developed further.

Swimming's History in the Modern Era

In the State of Athens, for the first time in 1896, modern swimming was practiced. The competition consists of four different distances: 100 meters, 500 meters, 1200 meters, free, and 100 meters for sailors. At 1200, the second Olympic Games were staged, specifically in Paris, France. The competitions cover the 200-meter breaststroke, 200-meter free, 1000-meter, and 4000-meter distances.

In 1908, the International Federation of Amateur Nashution (FINA) was established. The purpose of establishing this swimming organization was to offer and develop different swimming techniques. The end result is a breaststroke variant that can be converted into a butterfly stroke. After some time, these styles remain combined and were only split in 1952.

The swimming technique was refined over time, so it wasn't just produced randomly. The freestyle was first developed in 1973 by John Arthur Trudgen. Richard Cavill modified this swimming technique in 1902 by including a swift movement and flick.

Up till now, swimming technique development has been constantly inventing and improving. Even the distance for swimming in the current Olympics is greater than 4, at 4. There is a new swimming style innovation, so the use of style is not limited to just 2. The current Olympic swimming competitions are held both domestically and internationally.

Different Swimming Styles

According to swimming's history, the breaststroke was the first swimming stroke to be utilized in competition. Various swimming techniques have been tested over time in international sporting events.

These four swimming strokes—breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, and butterfly—are used in competitions like the Olympics. The four swimming techniques are described as follows:

1. Bust Design

By elevating the chest above the water's surface, you can perform the breaststroke, usually referred as as the frog style. Additionally, swimmers have the same range of motion in their arms and legs as a swimming frog.

Both legs must be in a straight stance when the hands make the action. The reverse is also true; if both feet are pedaling, both hands can be extended forward.

This breaststroke's motion can be characterized as being rather simple. Therefore, compared to other sorts of techniques, beginners prefer the breaststroke or style.

The breaststroke swimming competition's number, specifically:

100 breaststroke meters

200 meters of breaststroke distance

2. Freestyle

One of the most popular swimming strokes for learning to swim is the freestyle or front crawl. Despite being called "freestyle," this swimming technique does not allow a swimmer to move around freely.

You can swim freestyle by turning your chest to face the water's surface. Furthermore, in addition to the pedaling motion, both arms can be alternately moved far forward. Then, alternately raising and lowering both legs over the water.

The front crawl or freestyle swimming competition number is:

50 freestyle meters

100 freestyle meters

200 freestyle meters

400 freestyle meters

800 meters of freestyle and 1500 meters of freestyle

3. Backward

The backstroke can be performed by lying on your back, unlike the breaststroke. The back is then raised above the water, and the hands and feet are moved in a freestyle motion.

The head must be in contact with the water's surface when performing the backstroke. To allow for unrestricted respiration, this is done. The backstroke, despite appearing simple, demands certain mechanics, making it inappropriate for beginners.

Backstroke or backstroke that is disputed, as in:

100 meters of backstroke

200 meters of backstroke

4. Butterfly Style

The butterfly style is the most intricate. This technique is a version of the breaststroke. The butterfly stroke can be performed by placing the chest down and simultaneously pressing down, back, and out with both arms before swinging forward over the water's surface.

Both feet can be pressed down simultaneously when the hands are pulled back. This can be done to propel the body forward and provide a chance to breathe above the water.

There are the following number of butterfly stroke swimming competitions:

100-meter butterfly flight

a butterfly motion 200 meters apart

The individual medley or mixed style and the relay medley are two additional races in addition to the four swimming disciplines. The medley competition itself combines the aforementioned four swimming strokes.

personal sense of style

The butterfly can be used to start the race, followed by the backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle to finish.

Individual medleys up for grabs include:

200 meters is the medley distance.

400 meters is the medley distance.

switching styles relay

The first swimmer can begin the race by swimming the backstroke, then the second swimmer can swim the breaststroke, the third swimmer can swim the butterfly, and the fourth swimmer can finish the race by swimming the freestyle.

The competing relay techniques are:

relay race over 100 meters

Distance medley relay over 400 meters

advantages of swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that many people enjoy and is believed to have a number of health advantages. According to Aisya Husein's research, swimming has a number of health advantages, including the following:

1. Increase Muscle

Nearly all of the muscles in the body must move in order to swim. starting with the lower limbs, the soles of the feet, and moving up to the upper limbs, including the head, neck, chest, stomach, back, and waist.

Additionally, the body can use more energy when moving in water. This is due to the fact that the body must battle the water mass in order for nearly all of its muscles to develop greater flexibility and strength.

2. Enhance the ability of the heart and lungs to function

Swimming is seen as a form of aquatic running. This is due to the fact that, similar to running, pushing and pushing water with the limbs, particularly the hands and feet, causes the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to be stimulated.

3. Boost Height

Other than basketball and volleyball, swimming is also thought to be a good way to get taller.

When swimming, a person's entire body moves naturally, especially the legs and right. Height growth will be affected as a result of this.

Please remember that swimming will be more beneficial for growing taller if done during the growth spurt. As a result, early childhood swimming is strongly advised. It must be carried out consistently, of course.

4. Exercise in Breathing

Regular swimming helps improve the strength, health, and efficiency of the respiratory system. As a result, effective breathing techniques must be mastered by swimmers. This increases the air that is drawn so that it has a greater chance to hold your breath when submerged for an extended period of time.

5. Use Up Calories

Swimming is listed as a sport that is advised for those who desire to gain weight. This is due to the fact that moving through water will make the body feel heavier, requiring more energy.


Football's Earlier Years

 One of the most popular sports in the world is football. One leather ball is used for this game, which is contested by two teams, each of which consists of 11 regular players and a number of subs.

Beginning in the year 2000, football experienced its greatest period of popularity, with more than 250 million players participating from 200 different nations. Here is a timeline of football from its inception to the present day, from when it first gained popularity.


Football's Early History

The Han Dynasty in China is when football was first played. Before the Gregorian calendar, in the second or third century. Currently, leather balls are being used, and the goal is somewhat small, making entry challenging.

When the emperor's birthday was being honored, a soccer game was held to keep the soldiers entertained as well as physically active. Tsu Chu was the name of the soccer player at the time.

Regarding the football's lengthy history, Japan is another country where the game is well-known. Before similar sports were discovered in Mexico, England, Rome, Central America, and ancient Egypt, the ball used here was deer skin, known as Kemari. However, they have been using rubber-coated balls.

The history of football under the reign of King Edward in England must be recalled. Regarding the game's ban, it does so because it contains a lot of violent content. This is as a result of the game's unclear rules.

The prohibition on football wasn't abolished until King Edward the 3rd did so in 1369. However, Queen Elizabeth I was once more forbidden in 1572. The ban is absolute, and those who play football face severe penalties. Up until King Charles the 2nd eventually lifted the ban once more in 1680.

Football in the 21st Century

The foundation of the first association football organization, following discussions with 11 representatives from football associations, marked the beginning of football's modern period in England. The group that goes by the name of Freemason's Tavern Football Association.

Football's single draw rule was established at the convention, and other football associations like Scotland, Ireland, and Wales adopted it. The Football Association Board (IFAB) was subsequently established as an organization to coordinate football rules across the globe.

The Federation International de Football Association, or FIFA as we know it today, was established on May 21, 1904, following an agreement made in Paris, France. Jules Rimet and Henry Delaunay, two prominent football players, announced the meeting, which was attended by the first seven FIFA nations—Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark.

Football made its Olympic debut in 1908. As time and the number of spectators increased, Uruguay won the inaugural World Cup in 1930. The BBC TV station, which was able to transmit in 1938 and provide a repeat feature in 1966, is directly responsible for this success.

Football has always been a fascinating kind of entertainment, which has led FIFI to expand by establishing regional associations. The UEFA (Europe), CONCACAF (Caribbean, Central and North America), CNMEBO (Asia), CAF (African Continent), and OFC are among the nations that make up this association (Oceania).

Since football has a very interesting and lengthy history, it is not surprising that it has gained popularity throughout the world and is now played by practically everyone.


History of the Sport of Bullet Putting

 The IAAF is the parent body for the sport of shot put, which is a subset of athletics (International Amateur Athletic Federation). If Indonesia is included in the PASI (Athletic Association of All Indonesia). In the sport of shot put, a metal disc with a circular form is pushed. The object must be pushed by the players till it travels the farthest.

bullet puting

Putting Bullet Reject History: History of the Sport of the Bullet

Currently, the sport of bullets has a large following; in international shot put competitions, every nation must conform. Each nation will send delegation members to the competition in the hopes of coming out on top. The thrill of shot put has been around for a very long time. The historical progression of the global shot put can be used to demonstrate this.

Complete history of bullet rejections

In the British Isles, shot put has been around since the 20th century, making it one of the most popular sports. Initially, the only ammunition utilized in this sport was stones. To win the game, you must throw a large stone ball across a considerable distance.

In the middle of the last century, the shot put history competition was first held. The soldiers had previously competed in a weight-throwing competition using cannonballs. Despite how hefty the cannonball was, many rushed to watch the match. This competition was first solely played for entertainment and for fun before it finally became into a well-liked sport.

The first shot put competition was really conducted in England. Even though there were only amateur classes present, the competition was highly active. Scotland was the next nation to host a shot put competition, which was sanctioned by the Olympics' planners and staged in 1896. Many people competed in the Scottish match for first place.

The history of the shot put is expanding and is already present in a number of nations. Shot put for men and women finally had two branches open in 1950. Not only have the competitions changed, but so has the shot put technique. There is one technique that is used by many people and is quite well-liked. The O'brien or Parry O'brien method is so named.

Various Ancient Bullet-Repelling Methods

Because there are certain tactics that must be mastered, shot put is a sport that should not be practiced carelessly. It can hurt your arm if you don't know the method. can result in arm injuries. To create repelling forces that may be felt at a distance, one must master certain techniques.

The shot put sport uses the following technique.

1. The fingers are slightly constricted

The little finger is on the back and is placed next to the bullet, acting as support to prevent the ball from falling and as a tool for pressing and pushing the ball.

2. Separated fingers

Your pinky should be next to the bullet when you spread out your entire hand. The bullet will generate a very strong thrust and repulsion with the help of this finger position. Utilizing this method, you can travel a long way.

3. Slightly extended fingers

The little finger is placed behind the bullet, while the thumb is simply used to hold the slide. Start the toss after fully putting the bullet in the hand's crook. You can use this technique if you have relatively small hands. To get a long throw, use one of these three strategies without fail. Don't rush it; instead, focus and toss as hard as you can. The outcomes must be excellent. You achieve the best outcomes and win the game.


Basketball Era History

 a game in which there are two teams, each of which contains five active players and numerous substitutes. Basketball is a sport where players try to score as many points as they can by putting the ball into their opponent's provided ring.


Basketball's past

Basketball is typically played in an enclosed space (indoors) that is 28.5 m long and up to 15 m wide. In basketball, there are three positions that are particularly crucial: defense (blocking opponents), forward (scoring points), and playmaker (setting the flow of the ball and strategy).

Basketball's Early History

James Naismith by chance created basketball in 1891. In order to keep the children occupied during winter break, the Canadian sports teacher was instructed to develop a gaming activity that could be performed indoors.

James Naismith found the game, which had been his childhood favorite, on December 15, 1891. Basketball or, more commonly, basketball is the name of the game.

Many people rejected basketball as a sport when it was first introduced because they thought it was too brutal, especially when played in a closed space. Naismith came up with a solution and put the basket up on the wall among other arrangements.

There were two teams and nine players on each at the start of the game, and dribbling was not allowed when passing the ball. After the regulations have been established and the ball can only be moved by tossing, the pupils are instructed to play basketball in accordance with the rules.

Due to the fact that it was the inaugural basketball game, January 20, 1892, is noted in basketball history. Everyone at the time associated this sport with basketball because a student at that time gave it the name basketball.

It didn't take long for this sport to gain popularity in the US; by then, basketball was being played everywhere, and there were even tournaments. Basketball matches are widely available in the US.

Indonesian basketball's past

When Chinese immigrants arrived and established Chinese schools in Indonesia in the 1920s, basketball was introduced to the country. Most schools have basketball courts because playing basketball is a requirement at the school, and the top basketball players come from Chinese schools. Basketball was already well-liked when Indonesia declared its independence, but it didn't yet have a national association. However, because basketball was included in the sports that were played and garnered incredibly enthusiastic support from the audience during the inaugural National Sports Week (PON), it became the start of basketball history for Indonesia.

The All-Indonesian Basketball Association was established on October 23, 1951, but in 1955 it adopted Indonesian language regulations and changed its name to the All-Indonesian Basketball Association (PERBASIL), joining the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). When Indonesia sent a team to the Asian Games in Manila in 1953, it made Indonesian basketball history.

On April 3, 1982, basketball history was once again made. This time, it was the start of Indonesia's major clubs and the premier competition (KOBATAMA). Basketball has developed significantly over the past 30 years thanks to the Detection Basketball League (DBL). The resurrection of KOBATAMA, which later evolved into the National Basketball League, came next (NBL).


Saturday 10 September 2022

Detailed information about Prince Charles, who will succeed Queen Elizabeth II.

The news of Queen Elizabeth II's passing was announced from Buckingham Palace.

Queen Elizabeth II presided over the British monarchy for 69 years before her death.

The late Queen Elizabeth II was renowned during her lifetime as the monarch who served as head of state for the longest period in the British empire's history.

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the British Empire's throne of authority changed immediately.

Yes, Prince Charles will take the throne next based on the order of the heirs to the monarchy. King Charles III has now been installed as Prince Charles. 

James III (Charles Philip Arthur George; born November 14, 1948).

Prince Charles is the ruler of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations, a constitutional monarchy composed of 16 independent states, their dependencies, and associated territories.

In addition, King Charles serves as the Church of England's Grand Governor. She is the oldest of Queen Elizabeth II's and Prince Philip's children. Charles was given the title Prince of Wales because he would always be the heir apparent to the British throne.

Charles held the title of Prince of Wales for the longest period of time in history until he was crowned king on September 8, 2022, following the passing of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

prince charles


Charles Philip Arthur George is his name.

the 14th of November, 1948 (age 73)

Philip Mountbatten, the father

Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, is the mother.

Diana Frances Spencer is the spouse.

(m. 1981; c. 1996)​

Rosemary Camilla Shand

(m. 2005)​

Prince William's offspring (Duke of Cambridge)

Harry the Prince (Duke of Sussex)

Christianity in England

That information relates to Prince Charles' biography and bio, who is currently the heir apparent to the British monarchy following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.


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