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Thursday 3 November 2022

The Day of the Dead : "November 2nd"

The Days of the Dead

  • Halloween and All Hallow's Eve are on October 31.
  • November 1st, All Saints Day, Dia de los Innocentes
  • The Day of the Dead, or All Souls Day, falls on November 2.
Photo by Charles Parker: https://www.pexels.com/photo/skeleton-sitting-near-house-in-halloween-day-5859415/

Truly a celebration of life, the days of the dead. Children learn that there is a circle to life and that they shouldn't dread death when they dance with caricatures of death, eat skull-shaped sugar molds, and recognize that life is short. Once they have learned this, they are free to enjoy and appreciate each moment.

The Day of the Dead celebration has a lengthy history in Mexican culture. November 2nd is observed as the Day of the Dead. The Days of the Dead, which are observed from October 31 to November 2, are occasionally referred to as "the days of the dead." Halloween or All Hallows Eve is on October 31. Both All Saints Day and "el Dia de los Innocentes" are celebrated on November 1. The Day of the Dead, or All Souls Day, falls on November 2.

Photo by imustbedead  : https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-a-person-wearing-halloween-mask-and-costume-11036250/
Some Christians adhere to the viewpoint that every day ought to be regarded like Christmas since
Christ's love is born every day and ought to be honored. Therefore, it would be great if the cheerful, caring mindset associated with the Christmas season persisted all year long. Christmas Day is an official holiday that serves as a reminder of this principle. It is akin to the Day of the Dead. Some people think that during the Days of the Dead, the souls of the dead come back to visit their loved ones and to offer guidance or counsel. Although it is widely believed that this is true every day, November 2nd is the designated day to respect and remember the deceased.

The practice of visiting cemeteries is common in Mexico. In contrast to the US, where cemeteries are individually owned and maintained, cemeteries in Mexico are frequently publicly owned or run by neighborhood churches. The upkeep of the cemeteries is the responsibility of the bereaved families and other community members.

Photo by Ahmed Adly: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photography-of-human-skull-1270184/

Similar to Memorial Day in the US, the Day of the Dead is a time for celebration and remembering loved ones who have passed away.

The family frequently takes advantage of the days of the dead to go to the burial, remove any weeds, clean up any trash, and adorn the graves of loved ones. Frequently, the family pays a visit, eats, sings, and shares favorite tales about the departed while placing candles, flowers, and the deceased's favorite delicacies on the grave.

The custom has been modified for use in the United States or by people for whom visiting a grave is impractical (graveyards are sometimes closed at night). Many people build altars in their houses, and various events are frequently held in communities. One such occasion is the Marigold Parade and Celebration at the West Side Community Center in Albuquerque's south valley. Flowers, candles, pan de muerto, ceramic skulls, and—most importantly—pictures of loved ones are typically used to decorate altars.

Food from the loved ones' favorite foods and sweets is laid on the altar. To relieve the thirst of the deceased after their exhausting journey back home, drinks should be placed in the altar. It is common practice to provide alcoholic beverages in many villages. One of the essentials that is frequently left at the altar is salt, which is regarded as the spice of life. The aromas of marigolds and burning copal, which is a resin from the copal tree, are said to be those that the deceased spirits most enjoy and that beckon them to return.

The ceremonies performed to mark the occasion are numerous and vibrant. However, they all convey the same message: honoring the deceased is a genuine celebration of life.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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