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Wednesday 9 November 2022

im world : Daylight Saving Time 2022 pages (2)


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American Standard Time

With a few exceptions, the majority of the United States and Canada observe DST on the same dates. According to NASA, the only U.S. states that don't observe daylight saving time are Hawaii and Arizona, but the Navajo Nation, located in northeastern Arizona, does.

The Sunshine Protection Act(opens in new tab), which was passed by the Senate but is currently stuck in the house, was the subject of congressional debate in 2022. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, state legislatures have debated at least 450 legislation to implement year-round daylight savings time (opens in new tab). Additionally, as of 2020, legislation to permanently replace DST with standard time had been proposed in at least 30 states. For instance, Florida's Senate and House passed the Sunshine Protection Act in 2018, which would have asked the U.S. Congress to exempt the state from the federal 1966 Uniform Time Act (a PDF of the proposal). Florida would continue to observe DST year-round if adopted. However, The New York Times reports that the United States Congress would need to change the Uniform Time Act (15 U.S.C. s. 260a) to permit states this allowance in order to permit Florida's year-round DST. The proposal has not yet been approved by Congress, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel (opens in new tab). Similar steps have been taken by fifteen other states through legislation, initiatives, and resolutions. According to a statement from the office of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, these states are: Arkansas, Alabama, California, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming (R–Fla.).

California voted in favor of Proposition 7, which sought to repeal the yearly clock adjustments, by a margin of 59% in the fall of 2018. With a two-thirds majority following that favorable vote, the state assembly might modify DST (the resulting change needs to meet federal law as well). The Sacramento Bee(opens in new tab) stated that as of November 2022, the state legislature has been slow to push through changes at the federal level.

Daylight Saving Time in Canada

The ten provinces of Canada observe daylight saving time. The Canadian provinces and territories that observe standard time throughout the year include: According to timeanddate.com, some areas of the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, northwest Ontario, and east Quebec (opens in new tab). DST becomes a permanent change in Yukon in 2020. In British Columbia, DST is not observed in Chetwynd, Creston, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, or Fort St. John; in Saskatchewan, it is only observed in Creighton and Denare Beach.

Europe participates in DST.

The majority of Europe presently observes daylight saving time, which started on March 27, 2022, at 1 a.m. GMT when Europeans set their clocks forward by one hour. The last Sunday in October, or October 29, 2022, marked the conclusion of daylight saving time (winter time), and the clocks were set back one hour. According to timeanddate.com, DST will resume on Sunday, March 26, 2023. (opens in new tab).

According to timeanddate.com, the majority of European nations observe DST with the exception of Russia, Iceland, and Belarus. DST is known as British Summer Time in the UK (BST).

In the following countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland, DST is known as Central European Summer Time (CEST). In these nations, daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. local time, when the clocks are advanced an hour to 3 a.m. Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania, which refer to DST as Eastern European Summer Time, observe the identical 2 a.m. clock shift (EEST).

Irish Standard Time (IST), also known as Daylight Saving Time (DST), is a seasonal time change that starts at 1 a.m. local time and ends at 2 a.m. The Canary Islands, the Faroe Islands, and Portugal, which refer to DST as Western European Summer Time, all experience the same time change (WEST). However, a recent study indicated that 84% of 4.6 million people surveyed said they wanted to abolish them, according to the Wall Street Journal, so even the European Union may suggest an end to clock adjustments. According to the WSJ, EU countries might choose to keep the EU in summertime or wintertime if parliament and member states reach an understanding.

DST in the Southern Hemisphere

The Southern Hemisphere's DST-observing nations, including Australia, New Zealand, South America, and southern Africa, advance their clocks by an hour from September through November then roll them back to normal time in March and April.

Being the sixth-largest nation in the world, Australia does not observe DST consistently. According to the Australian government, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory observe DST, while Queensland and the Northern Territory (Western Australia) do not (opens in new tab). DST started on the first Sunday in October, which was October 2, 2022, and it will finish on the first Sunday in April, which is April 2, 2022, in the observing areas.


It turns out that the Monday after the "spring forward" change to daylight saving time is when people tend to experience more heart attacks. Researchers found that compared to the daily average number for the weeks preceding the commencement of DST, the number of heart attacks rose by 24% on that Monday in 2014, according to research published in the journal Open Heart.

Before the Uniform Time Act was implemented in the US, there was a time when DST could or could not be observed anywhere, which caused pandemonium. Prerau claims that if a person traveled 35 miles by bus from Moundsville, West Virginia, to Steubenville, Ohio, they would experience no less than seven different time zones. Minneapolis and St. Paul were once on different time zones.

According to a 2009 study in the Journal of Applied Psychology, mine workers had 40 minutes less sleep and experienced 5.7% more occupational accidents during the week following the "spring forward" into DST.

The time shift may even be noticed by pets. According to Alison Holdhus-Small, a research assistant at CSIRO Livestock Industries, an Australian research and development organization, since humans set the routines for their fluffy loved ones, indoor dogs, cats, and even cows are disrupted when, for example, you bring their food an hour late or come to milk them later than usual.

It may be a matter of practicality that the time changes at 2 a.m., at least in the United States. For instance, changing the clock back an hour won't change the date to "yesterday" because it is already late enough that most people have returned from their outings. According to WebExhibits, an online museum, it is also early enough not to bother early shift workers and early churchgoers.

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Location: Eropa


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