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Friday 28 October 2022



Your capacity to work with and complete tasks using computer-based technologies and other related technologies is referred to as having technology skills. They could be physical or digital tasks.

These abilities could also be referred to as technical abilities. Hard skills are typically what they fall under. That indicates that they are typically learned in a classroom context or via other types of training.

Tech talents are frequently quantifiable. Furthermore, your competence will be assessed based on how well you use the technology medium that you claim to be familiar with to do your tasks.

Technical abilities are frequently needed in the mechanical, scientific, information technology, and mathematical fields.

Not that these abilities are not needed in the arts industries. You should at least have some fundamental computer abilities in order to be a qualified candidate in practically any field.

Photo by Antoni Shkraba: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-using-macbook-pro-on-table-4348403/


Technology today comes in a huge range. This implies that the range of technological abilities that businesses require is always expanding.

But if you want to be employable, you should strive to learn some fundamental technical skills. Following is a list of some of them:

proficiency with computers. Even if you have an arts degree, you should at the very least be able to navigate the digital world with some fundamental computer technology abilities. You should be able to install business software, turn the computer on and off, and troubleshoot common difficulties like lost internet connections.You should be able to use computers to perform things like dealing with:
  • programs for word processing, such as Microsoft Office. being able to use MS-Word and other widely used word processing programs to create material, spreadsheets to carry out simple calculations, etc. 
  • Email. Among other things, you should be able to create, send single and many emails, and organize emails.
  • PowerPoint software Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Drive Slides, and other presentation- and slideshow-organizing tools should be possible.the internet. Create content for social media, including posts and photographs, interact with users, etc.  
  • searching tools. Be able to carry out fundamental duties including research, online searching, downloading of digital files like photographs and movies, etc. 
  • computer hardware basics. Restarting your computer, adjusting the battery level, connecting and unplugging the power, copying files to a CD, flash drive, or external hard drive, etc. should all be possible.
    To learn the fundamentals, you could enroll in classes. However, you can also pick up these skills from nearby computer-savvy individuals.
    talents in database management. A key component of technology is the management and storage of data. People must be able to access saved data and information as necessary. You can work as a database developer or administrator if you possess these abilities. Some database abilities are platform-specific, meaning they depend on the platforms that are used to build the databases. Some individuals rely on the platforms that are in use. Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL are a few examples of such platforms.In particular, if the job description clearly specifies it, you should highlight any database platform-related abilities and expertise you may have in your resume and cover letter.

    abilities in website development. Your job skills for web development should comprise any abilities required for creating websites for the internet or intranet. These consist of:
    • Understanding of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. 
    • Ability to analyze 
    • Optimization for search engines (SEO) 
    • Debugging abilities 
    Don't let the fact that you lack all the abilities required for website building deter you, even if it does. Explain how you used your knowledge and skills to contribute to the creation of websites.

    talents in digital marketing. Internet-based marketing is known as digital marketing. It is a technical skill that calls on you to become an expert at communicating with your target audience using a variety of technological platforms.

    These include computers, mobile apps, social media, and websites. Skills related to digital marketing include the following.

    • Production of videos
    • SEO
    • Writing abilities
    • Data evaluation
    • Tlents in communication
    • Design for print
    • Management of content

     While some jobs in the domain of digital marketing may be deemed technical in nature, others can be completed by someone without a technical background.

    A writer, for instance, can provide content. You may also land the position you want if you present yourself as a skilled writer and claim to have experience with content management systems.

    Abilities in project management. The use of tools and tactics in project management helps teams complete projects on schedule. Technical and soft skills are frequently required for project management positions.

    • Among the project management duties you'll have to perform are:
    • Financial simulation
    • Performance evaluation
    • Project planning
    • Using agile software as a strategy to locate effective solutions
    • The capacity to work cooperatively with others wherever they may be
    • To manage a team, you must be a good team player and leader.
    • Efficient use of time

    Skills in cybersecurity. Information technology security is another name for cybersecurity. It entails defending computer systems and networks against a variety of dangers. These dangers include, among others, those of theft, damage, disruption, and information disclosure.

    Technically speaking, cybersecurity abilities are essential in the modern environment when hackers may cause such harm. In this sense, some of the abilities that employers seek out are as follows:

    • Abilities in forensics and computer science
    • Knowledge of software development
    • Having hacking ability
    • Programming for computers
    • Talents in communication

    Just a few of the prerequisites you'll need if you decide to work in information security are listed above. 

    Even if you did not concentrate in cybersecurity, you are in a strong position to apply for these opportunities if you are a software engineer or have a background in computer science.



    You will be able to take advantage of more professional options the more tech abilities you possess. The good news is that you can develop these kinds of talents in a variety of methods. You can accomplish this by:
    • Reading publications on your chosen technical topics, whether they are books, periodicals, or websites
    • Requesting to be involved in technical initiatives so you can obtain knowledge first-hand
    • Enrolling in online tutorials and courses on the technical topics you want to learn
    • Enrolling in offline classes and seminars
    • Developing your technical abilities through independent practice
    • Utilizing any technical training and certification that your employer offers

    How to maintain your technological knowledge

    Practice what you already know is the greatest approach to keep your technical abilities up to date. However, you should also subscribe to publications and websites that cover the technological topics that interest you. Additionally, if new credentials are available, spend money on the necessary training. Then, you'll be up to date on everything in your industry.

    How to Demonstrate Your Technological Skills

    The adage "If you've got it, flaunt it" holds true for cover letters and resumes. No matter how limited your skills are, you must emphasize them. When emphasizing these talents, take into account the following:
    • What you excel at Set a higher priority on the things you can do than most people.
    • Outlined in the job description. Consider how well your abilities match the requirements of the company you are applying to work for.
    • Which abilities are necessary. If you don't have the precise skill sets the employer is seeking for, try to demonstrate your competences as transferrable skills.
    Include your technical abilities in your resume and cover letter once you've established the ones your potential employer is looking for. Frame them such that you stand out as the person who can meet the recruiter's talent requirements.

    How to list technological expertise on a resume

    Think about adding a specific section to your resume that highlights all of your technical employment experience. To make it simple for the hiring manager to scan and read, you can format it as a list of bullet points.
    If you want to stand out, make sure to tailor your computer talents for each job ad. Don't send in a boilerplate resume. If not, you might not even advance to the next step.
    Assume for the moment that a job description for an employer mentions the need for a programmer to create mobile apps. You can mention in your resume that you collaborated with a team to develop websites and applications in the past using JavaScript, C++, Python, or another programming language that you are proficient in.
    Your employer is aware right away that you have the skills required to develop apps for their customers.

    FAQs about Technology Skills

    What are the top five IT skills?
    There are five technical skills:
    • Knowledge about computers
    • Database administration
    • Website creation
    • Internet advertising
    • Project administration
    Which IT expertise is in demand the most?
    The IT talent that is most in demand is cybersecurity. Companies want to ensure the security of their data, therefore they seek IT teams with the necessary expertise. To increase your value, if you work in the IT sector, look for ways to improve your abilities.

    What technology is now in demand?
    The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are expanding rapidly. This technology is being used by businesses beyond the IT sector to manage customer service, collect and analyze data, and develop individualized user experiences.
    Your value as an employee and job applicant will increase significantly if you can even improve your fundamental knowledge in this area.

    Location: Amerika Serikat


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