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Sunday 9 October 2022

examining how the FIFA regulations were implemented during the Kanjuruhan tragedy


Kanjuruhan Tragedy : Aremania

A human life is not worth a football. This statement was made following the encounter between Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya on October 1 at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang, East Java.

The Kanjuruhan disaster left a lasting impression on the world and Indonesian football history, causing tremendous sorrow.

More than one hundred people died. This tragic occurrence took place as Indonesian football was being developed, which makes it all the more tragic.

In addition, President Joko Widodo has directed the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Police, and PSSI to thoroughly assess whether Liga 1 should be temporarily suspended until security protocols are assessed and improved.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD led the government in promptly establishing an Independent Joint Fact Finding Team (TGIPF).

The Kanjuruhan catastrophe is in the news due to the large number of victims that perished; 125 individuals were declared deceased. Then, what went wrong, and what can be inferred from this awful occurrence?

FIFA has regulations through the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations that apply to a football match.

The rules, which total 112 pages, provide a detailed explanation of the factors that must be taken into account while organizing football games.

These regulations are also mentioned in the BRI Liga 1 tournament rules for 2022–2023. Concerning security and comfort, see Article 4. specifically Point 4 which states:

The host club is responsible for ensuring that all venues where guest clubs and game equipment will be used are secure (including stadiums and hotels). Security plans that incorporate statements from parties linked to the scope are also made by the host club. This plan has been created with consideration for the PSSI regulations and appropriate FIFA stadium security and security regulations.

It is explicitly stated in the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations what must be done when staging a match.

There are laws that regulate things even before the game starts, and they can serve as a solid foundation.

Take Article 6 of the stadium safety and security plans, for instance. Then, in the following piece, the measures that stadium security officers must perform are once more detailed.

All parties involved, such as the executive committee, the police, the emergency (emergency) team, and others, are represented among the stadium security guards.

According to the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations, they each have their own responsibilities, authority, and capabilities.

Security personnel at stadiums must manage risk by considering all scenarios that could occur during a game.

The risk analysis must take into account a variety of factors. Article 7 Point 3 (a) "Historical hostility between clubs or their fans" is one of the points made there.

In other words, the planners must consider the background of the opposing teams and fans.

The two opposing teams in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy are Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya, who have a long-standing rivalry. including devotees of both Aremania and Bonek.

In this instance, the organizers must have recognized the situation and acted appropriately by forbidding Bonek from visiting the Kanjuruhan Stadium.

However, does it end there? Obviously not. Security personnel must also be able to predict what will happen whether the home side wins or loses.

Arema lost the game at Kanjuruhan last week by a score of 2-3 in front of tens of thousands of their supporters.

Aremania experienced disappointment at that moment. The Kanjuruhan Tragedy started when they took their frustrations out on the field.

Security guards must to be able to forecast and anticipate from here. Of course, with a risk analysis that was completed well in advance of the game.

According to the study that was previously described, there will be efforts to mitigate or lower risk by putting in place suitable security measures. The stadium contingency plans are mentioned in Article 9.

Crowd control is discussed in point 2(e) in terms of stadium turmoil, crowding in the stadium, ticket fraud and illicit ticket sales, emergency evacuations, etc.

Then there is Article 10 about the emergency plans for stadiums. The FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations lay out every item in great detail.

Tear Gas

Tear gas, which is categorically forbidden by FIFA rules, is the main indicator of life loss in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy.

It is forbidden to possess or use weapons or "Crowd Control Gas," according to Article 19(b).

Of course, there is a justification for this restriction. Tear gas was used in the Kanjuruhan incident, and as a result of the audience's fright, anarchy was inescapable.

Watching football is not the same as going to a stadium or rioting. The crowd must have been screened from the moment it entered the stadium. It is important to be aware of this.

The use of tear gas at football games cannot be justified, however it's possible that in Kanjuruhan the security forces had other things they needed to accomplish.

Several groups claimed that the security forces' conduct of the fan unrest at the Kanjuruhan Stadium was disproportionate.

There may not have been any fatalities if the tear gas shots had not been fired.

Additionally, it should be recalled that in the Kanjuruhan Stadium, there were just home supporters—no Bonek—because visiting Malang was prohibited from the start in order to prevent confrontations.

Just use a water cannon (watercanon), which has a lower danger of injury, to drive away supporters. Or there must be parked fire vehicles at the stadium that can be utilized to spray water on the spectators.

The presence of fire engines in the stadium during a game is required under FIFA regulations.

There is also a description of crowd control in the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations, which should have security plans and methods to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Thorough Assessment

Nobody wants the Kanjuruhan Tragedy to happen again. Therefore, in accordance with President Jokowi's instructions, a thorough review is required.

Everything in organizing matches is standard, as was stated at the outset, and sound planning is required. Put prevention before action.

On the other hand, it is also essential to educate everyone engaged, including the security forces and sympathizers.

The committee must have requested authorization to host the match from the beginning. There must be a grace period in the licensing procedure before the match's D day.

The police, who serve as the security intelligence in this scenario, are able to design preparations that adhere to FIFA regulations.

Certainly, the cops have very detailed processes. It just comes down to how to balance their impressions of the committee's needs, the demands of the circumstance, and the necessity of maintaining security.

Coordination allows for the equivalence of perception. To prepare for unfavorable circumstances, print out a stadium layout map and analyze it with your group.

Like when boarding an aircraft or viewing a movie, stadium visitors receive a safety briefing prior to the game. This is done so that supporters will know where to go in the event of an emergency.

Again, the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations are comprehensive and in-depth, and they include topics like stadium eligibility and others.

These ideal methods do, in fact, necessitate work, socialization, and most significantly, a shared perception of all parties from the implementing committee and the public security.

However, everything must be done to ensure everyone's safety. The Kanjuruhan tragedy taught us a valuable lesson. Keep it from happening again.

In handling this catastrophe, all parties must act responsibly. Let's do it properly.

Location: Amerika Serikat


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