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Friday 26 August 2022

Indonesia has confirmed that monkeypox is present (Cacar Monyet), according to the RI Ministry of Health.


information virus

Kemenkes RI has confirmed that one Indonesian citizen has confirmed having the MONKEYPOX, also known as CACAR MONYET. The person in question is a 27-year-old woman named Pasien who had recently returned from a trip to another country before being arrested.

According to the report, the patient started experiencing symptoms of monkeypox on August 11, 2022, moved into the sole residence of the Kemenkes military on August 18, and had a positive PCR result on August 19.

Dr. Syahril, a juru bicara of the Kementerian Kesehatan RI, stated that the pasien were not sick and were adequately isolated from the outside world. Ia also encourages the populace to maintain their composure in the face of alarmingly high tular and cacar fatality rates relative to Covid-19.

According to a graph, there are currently 39,718 confirmed cases of cacar monyet worldwide, although just 12 people have died, or little under 0.001% of all cases. Additionally, Covid-19's method of transmission for monkeypox is not as straightforward as penularannya via erat-contained droplets.

Gejala cacar monyet is similar to gejala cacar air but is more ring-shaped. Demam, sakit kepala, nyeri otot, and kelelahan continued the gejala. The primary difference between gejala cacar air and cacar monyet is that cacar monyet results in pembengkakan on kelenjar getah bening (limfadenopati), but cacar air does not.

There won't be a tambahan infection or a berat komorbid that can affect the monkeypox's condition, so it will go away on its own and last for 2 to 4 weeks.

As a form of kewaspadaan, Kemenkes has been conducting intense pemantauan in every part of Indonesia, including the udara, laut, and darat. To encourage greater awareness of monkeypox, the Pemerintah has also given instructions to every Indonesian Dinas Kesehatan, every sakit home, and Puskesmas.

A crucial point to keep in mind in the context of pencegahan is the constant practice of a healthy lifestyle (PHBS) as well as the advancement of healthy lifestyle practices such rajin mencuci tangan, drinking alcohol, and using maskers.

Public Information and Communication Agency, Kemenkes RI (Republic of indonesia)

More Information Here.


Hallo World : WHO launches appeal to respond to urgent health needs in the greater Horn of Africa


Millions of lives are in peril, including children. US$ 123.7 million is needed for the health agency’s response until December 2022.

People's lives and health are in danger in the wider Horn of Africa as a result of an unprecedented food crisis. The World Health Organization is today launching a fundraising request for US$ 123.7 million in order to carry out critical, life-saving work.

More than 37.5 million people in the seven countries of the region—Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda—are categorized as being in IPC phase 3, a stage of crisis where people must sell their possessions to buy food for themselves and their families and where malnutrition is rampant. Over 80 million people are estimated to live in food insecurity in these seven countries.

This area has developed into a hunger hotspot due to violence, climatic changes, and the COVID-19 epidemic, with severe effects on the health and lives of its residents.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, stated that hunger "is a direct threat to the health and survival of millions of people in the wider Horn of Africa, but it also weakens the body's defenses and opens the door to disease." In order to address this dual challenge, treat malnourished people, and protect them from infectious diseases, the WHO is looking to the international community for assistance.

The money will be used to take immediate action to save lives, such as strengthening national disease detection and response capabilities, acquiring and ensuring the supply of life-saving medications and equipment, identifying and filling gaps in health care infrastructure, and treating ill and severely malnourished children.

The issue is getting worse as it is anticipated that the upcoming rainy season will fail. Already, there have been instances of preventable infant and maternal fatalities. As violence, especially gender-based violence, is on the rise, there is a greater risk of trauma and injuries. Measles outbreaks are occurring in 6 of the 7 countries, despite low vaccination rates. Countries are battling cholera and meningitis outbreaks at the same time because of deteriorating hygienic conditions, a lack of clean water, and people leaving their homes on foot to obtain food, water, and pasture for their animals.

As more individuals are compelled to flee their countries, the estimated 4.2 million refugees and asylum seekers in the region are anticipated to grow. Communities find it more difficult to receive health care while traveling, a service that is already in short supply as a result of years of underinvestment and violence.

"It's important to make sure everyone has enough to eat. Making sure kids have access to clean water is essential. Access to basic healthcare services is particularly crucial under these circumstances, according to Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme. For people caught up in these terrible conditions, services like therapeutic feeding programs, primary healthcare, immunization, safe deliveries, and mother and child services can mean the difference between life and death.

The World Health Organization has already issued $16.5 million from its Contingency Fund for Emergencies to guarantee that people have access to healthcare, to treat malnourished children who are sick, and to stop, identify, and contain infectious disease epidemics.

WHO expresses gratitude to its contributors for making it possible to carry out this vital job.

More Information Here.


Hallo World : Monkeypox Virus (WHO)

 monkeypox virus


While clinically less severe than smallpox, monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus that spreads from animals to people). It has symptoms that are comparable to those of smallpox. Monkeypox has replaced smallpox as the most significant orthopoxvirus for public health since smallpox was eradicated in 1980 and smallpox vaccinations were subsequently discontinued. Primarily affecting central and west Africa, monkeypox has been spreading into cities and is frequently seen close to tropical rainforests. Numerous rodent species and non-human primates serve as hosts for animals.

The pathogen

The Orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family contains the enclosed double-stranded DNA virus known as the monkeypox virus. The central African (Congo Basin) clade and the west African clade are two separate genetic clades of the monkeypox virus. In the past, the Congo Basin clade was thought to be more contagious and to produce more severe illness. The only nation where both viral clades have been discovered is Cameroon, which serves as the geographic boundary between the two groups.

Natural host of monkeypox virus

The monkeypox virus has been found to be susceptible to several animal species. This comprises non-human primates, dormice, rope and tree squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, and other species. There is still uncertainty about the monkeypox virus's natural history, and further research is required to pinpoint the precise reservoir or reservoirs and understand how the virus circulates in the wild.


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where smallpox had been eradicated in 1968, a 9-month-old boy was the first person to be diagnosed with human monkeypox. Since then, human cases have progressively been recorded from central and west Africa, with the majority of cases coming from the rural, rain forest parts of the Congo Basin, mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Benin, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria, the Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan are the 11 African nations where human cases of monkeypox have been documented since 1970. Unknown is the true cost of monkeypox. For instance, an epidemic with a lower case fatality ratio and a higher attack rate than typical was reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1996–1997. Monkeypox and chickenpox outbreaks that occurred simultaneously in this instance could be explained by real or apparent modifications in the dynamics of transmission produced by the varicella virus, which is not an orthopoxvirus. Nigeria has had a significant outbreak since 2017, with more than 500 suspected cases and more than 200 confirmed instances and a about 3% case fatality ratio. Cases are still being reported today.

Given that it affects the rest of the world in addition to countries in west and central Africa, monkeypox is a disease of worldwide public health significance. The first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa occurred in the United States of America in 2003, and contact with pet prairie dogs that had the disease was to blame. These pets had been kept with dormice and pouched rats from Ghana that were imported from the Gambia. Over 70 cases of monkeypox were brought on by this outbreak in the US. Travelers from Nigeria to Israel in September 2018, the UK in September 2018, December 2019, May 2021, and May 2022, Singapore in May 2019, and the United States of America in July and November 2021 have also been reported to have monkeypox. Monkeypox cases were found in a number of non-endemic nations in May 2022. Studies are being conducted right now to learn more about the epidemiology, sources of illness, and patterns of transmission.


Direct contact with blood, body fluids, or lesions on the skin or mucous membrane of diseased animals can result in animal-to-human (zoonotic) transmission. Numerous animals, including rope squirrels, tree squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, dormice, various species of monkeys, and others have been reported throughout Africa to have the monkeypox virus. Although rodents are most likely, the natural monkeypox reservoir has not yet been found. A potential risk factor is consuming undercooked meat and other animal products from infected animals. Living in or close to forests can expose people to diseased animals indirectly or at a low level.

Close contact with respiratory secretions, skin sores on an infected person, or recently contaminated objects can cause human-to-human transmission. Health professionals, family members, and other close contacts of current patients are more at risk because droplet respiratory particles typically require extended face-to-face contact. The number of person-to-person infections in a community's longest documented chain of transmission has increased from 6 to 9 in recent years. This might be an indication of a general decline in immunity brought on by the end of smallpox vaccination campaigns. Congenital monkeypox can result through transmission through the placenta, which can also happen during intimate contact during labor and after delivery. Although close physical contact is a known risk factor for transmission, it is not known at this time whether monkeypox can particularly spread through sexual intercourse. Studies are required to comprehend this risk better. 

Signs and symptoms

Monkeypox typically takes 6 to 13 days to incubate, although it can take anything from 5 to 21 days for symptoms to appear.

There are two phases to the infection:

1. the 0–5-day invasion period is marked by fever, severe headache, lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes), back pain, myalgia (muscle aches), and severe asthenia (lack of energy). Compared to other diseases that may initially seem similar, monkeypox has a specific characteristic called lymphadenopathy (chickenpox, measles, smallpox).

2. After a fever first appears, the skin eruption often starts one to three days later. Instead of the trunk, the rash is more frequently found on the face and limbs. In 95% of cases, it affects the face, and in 75% of cases, it affects the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet. Along with the cornea, oral mucous membranes, genitalia, and conjunctivae are all also impacted in 70% of instances. The progression of the rash goes from macules (flat, firm lesions) to papules (slightly raised, firm lesions), vesicles (clear fluid-filled lesions), pustules (yellowish fluid-filled lesions), and crusts that dry up and break off. Lesions can range in number from a few to several thousand. Lesions may combine in severe situations, causing big chunks of skin to flake off.

Typically, monkeypox is a self-limiting illness with symptoms that last between two and four weeks. Children are more likely to experience severe cases, which are connected to the level of viral exposure, the patient's condition, and the type of problems. The results could be worse if immunological deficits were present. Although smallpox immunization proved protective in the past, people under the age of 40 to 50 (depending on the country) may now be more susceptible to monkeypox due to the worldwide discontinuation of smallpox vaccine campaigns after the illness was eradicated. Monkeypox complications can include secondary infections, bronchopneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis, and corneal infections with subsequent vision loss. It is unknown how widespread an asymptomatic infection might be.

In the general population, the case fatality ratio of monkeypox has traditionally fluctuated from 0 to 11%; it has been higher in young children. The case fatality rate has recently been in the range of 3-6%.


Other rash disorders, such as chickenpox, measles, bacterial skin infections, scabies, syphilis, and medication-associated allergies, must be taken into account when making a clinical differential diagnosis. During the prodromal stage of the illness, lymphadenopathy can be used as a clinical feature to differentiate monkeypox from chickenpox or smallpox.

Health professionals should get the right sample and arrange for it to be delivered safely to a lab with the right equipment if monkeypox is detected. The kind of laboratory test used and the type and quality of the specimen used determine whether monkeypox is confirmed. As a result, specimens should be sent and handled in line with local, state, and federal regulations. Given its precision and sensitivity, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the primary laboratory test. The best diagnostic samples for monkeypox come from skin lesions, such as dry crusts and the liquid that comes from vesicles and pustules. Biopsy is a possibility when it is possible. Lesion samples need to be kept cool and dry in sterile tubes without viral transport media. Because viremia typically lasts for a short time after symptoms start, PCR blood tests are typically inconclusive and shouldn't be routinely obtained from patients.

Antigen and antibody detection techniques do not offer proof of monkeypox-specific infection because orthopoxviruses are serologically cross-reactive. Therefore, in cases where resources are scarce, serology and antigen detection procedures are not advised for diagnosis or case inquiry. Furthermore, recent or distant immunization with a vaccinia-based vaccine (for example, anyone immunized prior to the eradication of smallpox, or more recently due to heightened risk, such as orthopoxvirus laboratory employees) may result in false positive results.

The following patient data must be included with the specimens in order to interpret test results: a) age; b) date of onset of fever; c) date of specimen collection; d) date of current condition of the patient (stage of rash); and e) date of beginning of rash.


In order to treat monkeypox symptoms effectively, handle complications, and avoid long-term effects, clinical care must be properly optimized. Fluids and food should be provided to patients in order to maintain a healthy nutritional condition. As necessary, secondary bacterial infections should be treated. Based on information from both animal and human research, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted tecovirimat, an antiviral drug originally created to treat smallpox, a license to treat monkeypox in 2022. It is still not readily accessible.

If tecovirimat is utilized for patient treatment, it is ideal to monitor it in a clinical research setting with prospective data gathering.


Numerous observational studies have shown that the smallpox vaccine is around 85% effective at preventing monkeypox. There may be a milder sickness as a result of previous smallpox vaccination. A scar on the upper arm is typically present as proof of previous smallpox immunization. The first-generation (original) smallpox vaccines are no longer accessible to the general population. Some laboratory or healthcare employees may have had a more current smallpox vaccination to safeguard them from orthopoxvirus exposure at work. In 2019, a brand-newer vaccine based on the Ankara strain of the modified attenuated vaccinia virus was authorized for the prevention of monkeypox. This two-dose vaccine is still only partially available. Because the vaccinia virus provides cross-protection for the immune response to orthopoxviruses, formulations of the smallpox and monkeypox vaccines are based on this virus.


The primary preventative method for monkeypox involves increasing public knowledge of risk factors and teaching individuals about the steps they may take to lessen virus exposure. A scientific evaluation of the viability and suitability of vaccination for the prevention and control of monkeypox is now being conducted. Some nations have policies in place or are creating them to provide vaccines to people who may be at risk, including laboratory staff, members of quick reaction teams, and healthcare professionals.

More Information Here.

Hallo World : Stories from the Field: COVID-19 Response Special Series - Mongolia (WHO : World Health Organization)

 Mobile health clinics in Mongolia provide primary healthcare to underserved populations.


Due to its size, Mongolia has a difficult time reaching out to rural and underserved communities, including nomadic peoples, migratory workers, and unregistered residents. It is demonstrating to be a low-cost efficient strategy to eliminate imbalances and ensuring that everyone, everywhere can receive the health services they need. This is done through the use of mobile health technologies using a primary health care approach.

Find out how Mongolia is contributing to the creation of a more equitable and healthy world.

This is a developing story that will be updated as more data comes in from the field. Please return often to see any updates.

Norov Bayarjargal, a local herder in the southernmost village of Mongolia known as Dersene-Us, appears in front of a temporary mobile health clinic. He is in the Gobi Desert. Aside from the two yurts next to him and the sporadic herds that graze the area, nothing but desert and sky can be seen for kilometers in the distance. The sub-provincial health center's mobile health team, which visits herder communities in their homes, just held a session with Norov.

The mobile health team examines herders and their families for communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as for blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They also provide women with ultrasounds. Through this service, Norov was given a diagnosis of gallbladder and renal issues a month ago. He was then referred to the closest neighborhood (sub-province or soum) health center, where a doctor gave him the necessary medications.

"I obtained prompt treatment and an early diagnosis as a result of the mobile health screening. My diet of salt and animal fat should be reduced, according to the medical authorities. Regardless of my financial situation, I need to choose a healthy lifestyle because I know that health is wealth", stated Norov.

Due to its size, Mongolia faces numerous difficulties in providing health care to its residents, particularly those who reside in underserved and distant rural areas, as well as vulnerable and nomadic groups, migrants, and unregistered individuals.

The government ran an effort known as M-Health, or "Expanding Use of Mobile Health Technology in Primary Care Toward Universal Health Coverage in Mongolia," from 2016 to 2020. Through the UHC Partnership, the Korea Foundation for International Health Care, and the Community Chest of Korea, it received support from WHO.

Primary health care practitioners are also observing the difference that the M-Health project is making to the lives of distant communities.

The quality and accessibility of preventative health exams among locals have improved over the past two years as a result of the M-Health project. 90% of the population have access to preventive health exams as of 2019. Dr. Chuluuntsetsetseg Erdenechuluun, Director of the Mandakh Soum Health Center, Dornogobi Province, stated that the majority of remote herders reside 130 kilometers from the soum [sub-province] health center and that health workers primarily reached them through mobile health service delivery.

One of the 115 nations and regions to whom the UHC Partnership provides assistance and technical know-how to advance UHC is Mongolia. The European Union (EU), the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Irish Aid, the Government of Japan, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the United Kingdom - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and Belgium are among the organizations that have contributed to the Partnership's funding.

More Information Here.


Discover Jiangsu: ancient gateway to the Maritime Silk Road with i'm world

 Explore Jiangsu Province on a discovery tour to learn about the past and legacy of China's Maritime Silk Road.


Jiangsu, a dazzling province of China, has all the physical attributes to lend it a leading position in the epic story of China's historic Maritime Silk Road. It is known whimsically as shui xiang, or "the country of water." Jiangsu was crucial in facilitating the exchange of priceless goods and epoch-defining ideas between China and southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and even the east coast of Africa over centuries of trade and tribute. Jiangsu boasts more than 600 miles of coastline and both the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal flow through it.

Today, Jiangsu is home to numerous historical sites and tourism-related amenities that honor the accomplishments of the Maritime Silk Road. Here are some cities to visit to get a real feel of Jiangsu's illustrious history for history aficionados or the merely interested.



The Jiangsu city of Nanjing was designated the capital of China at the beginning of the Ming dynasty. A strong wall was built around it, one of the longest ever constructed, and major portions of it still exist and may be traversed today. At the southern foot of Purple Mountain, in a splendid mausoleum, is the body of the Hongwu emperor, the first of the dynasty. A majestic funerary walkway adorned with an honor guard of stone statues leads to his enormous tomb, which is listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.
In 1403, the Yongle Emperor, who succeeded him, gave Zheng He, a soldier who rose to prominence under the emperor, the order to build a fleet of "treasure ships." Zheng led one of the largest and most technologically advanced fleets of ships the world has ever seen on seven historic sea expeditions. The Treasure Shipyard Relic Park houses a recreation of one of Zheng's greatest ships as well as artifacts including shipbuilding tools and ship pieces, providing further evidence that these powerful ships were constructed in Nanjing.

treasure ship

The treasure ships were loaded with a priceless gift of china and silk used to advance diplomatic ties with neighboring countries. The city of Nanjing itself served as a significant silk producing hub. Visit the Jiangning Imperial Silk Manufacturing Museum and the Nanjing Silk Brocade Museum to witness some of the best silk clothing in the world, many of which were made especially for the imperial family, to better appreciate why Chinese silks were such a highly prized commodity.

Lianyungang and Yangzhou

Jiangsu is also a region where ideas, ideologies, and even religions are disseminated through water. Jianzhen, a Tang-dynasty monk, lived in Yangzhou, a city renowned for its superb Huaiyang cuisine and historic gardens. He was the abbot of Yangzhou's Daming Temple in the eighth century, which is still open for visitors and is located on Shugang Mountain. Jianzhen made multiple unsuccessful maritime expeditions to Japan before finally succeeding and bringing Buddhism's teachings there.

Buddhism first arrived in China during the Han era, many years earlier. The name of Kongwang Mountain, a picturesque mountain in northern Jiangsu, which is close to the modern city of Lianyungang, comes from the idea that Confucius once ascended there. To observe a collection of historic Buddhist engravings etched into a cliff face, visitors can climb the mountain, as the Great Sage is supposed to have done in the past. 
These carvings, which are among the earliest instances of Buddhist art in China, demonstrate the significance of the Maritime Silk Road and the Jiangsu province in the development of Chinese religion.The tombs of visiting foreign dignitaries are some of Jiangsu's more remarkable Maritime Silk Road artifacts. A descendent of the prophet Mohammed is supposed to be interred in Yangzhou's Puhaddin's Tomb, having traveled across the sea to spread his own beliefs.

One of the goods that was important to Jiangsu's history of trade and boosted the province's wealth and success was salt. Natural salt deposits in Yancheng, which is Chinese for "salt city," were a significant supply. But the Maritime Silk Road's role in facilitating trade is simply one aspect of its story. This amazing maritime corridor in Yancheng is also the destination for the lengthy migrations of uncommon bird species including cranes, egrets, and spoonbill sandpipers. The city is home to the beautiful Yellow Sea wetlands, a natural sanctuary that can be compared to an international port, except that instead of being used by ships, the wetlands are used by migratory birds to rest and eat the abundant aquatic life and before beginning their lengthy journeys, flora discovered there.

Miles and miles of expansive tidal flats are ready to be explored at Yancheng National Nature Reserve and Dafeng National Nature Reserve, making them an intriguing location for birdwatchers and people who love the calm and quiet of open nature. These distinctive habitats, which include salt marshes and mudflats, were designated a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 2019.


Since ancient times, things have been transported in and out of the province by water at the thriving port city of Nantong in Jiangsu. Even today, fleets of tough fishing vessels navigate the East China Sea, catching yellow croaker, seabream, sea crabs, and numerous more mouthwatering seafood delicacies. Visitors can browse the enormous commercial seafood market in Lusi Port Town, which has a thousand years of nautical history, and select the freshest catch of the day, which is pulled out of tanks by stall owners and boiled or cooked in boiling woks while you wait.
lusi port

The numerous tourism activities in Lusi are categorized as "sea culture," with the opportunity to see marine life at the Nantong Underwater World among the attractions. The landscape of Jiangsu's offshore region may be seen from the bustling beach of Lusi. 

Here, large commercial container ships and smaller fishing boats navigate the same waters where Zheng He's fleet's wooden-hulled treasure ships embarked on their legendary excursions centuries ago. The continuation of trade and exploration demonstrates that the old Maritime Silk Road hasn't actually vanished and is still alive and well today.

World : The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari island, is a popular new hotel.



A renowned studio behind some of Asia's most renowned hotels has created a private island resort for The Ritz-Carlton in the Maldives. The newly constructed property, which is a part of the luxury Fari Islands development and is situated at the northeastern tip of the North Male Atoll, is only 10 minutes by seaplane or 45 minutes by speedboat from Velana International Airport.

The first ever project by Kerry Hill Architects in the Indian Ocean islands is distinguished by a basic, modern style that rejects a rustic-chic look (there are no thatched roofs) and keeps everything low-rise to highlight the lovely surroundings. 100 overwater ocean villas or beach villas, with different layouts ranging from one to three bedrooms, are available for guests to stay in. Each villa is equipped with an Aris Meeha (Island Butler), who will help guests during their stay and provide directions, panoramic sliding doors, a sun deck, and a private infinity pool.

fari island

At the resort, gourmands have a lot to look forward to. There are seven dining options at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, including a branch of Summer Pavilion, the modern Cantonese restaurant with a Michelin star at The Ritz-Carlton Millenia in Singapore. Teppanyaki is the specialty of the outdoor Japanese restaurant Iwau, while southern Italian cuisine is the highlight of the all-day restaurant La Locanda. At Eau Bar, afternoon tea is given a Maldivian touch. Craft drinks and freshly shucked oysters are also available to visitors. Eight minutes away by boat, in Fari Marina, are two restaurants that are part of The Ritz-Carlton. While Tum Tum is a food truck serving Asian snacks and light fare, Arabesque delivers a diverse selection of foods from the broad region between Lebanon and North India.

Visitors can anticipate a wide variety of activities, such as tennis, bike safaris, snorkeling, scuba diving, and family-friendly culinary workshops. A resident biologist will also take them on a Wonders of Water ocean mystery tour, as well as boduberu drumming sessions where they can learn about traditional Maldivian music. They will also be able to take part in dolphin-spotting cruises on traditional dhonis. Wellness enthusiasts should visit the circular overwater spa for customized treatments that make use of Bamford body and skincare products with botanical ingredients. The resort has a Ritz Kids program with at least 30 activities for the little ones, including a treasure hunt. Even better, teenagers will have the option of enrolling in lessons with seasoned drone cinematographers, guaranteeing a distinctive 21st-century twist on their Maldivian vacation.

More information here.


Hallo : Sex Education in Christian Parenting with I'm World

School Sex : How To Start Sex Education At Home As (Christian Parents)

seks educationIt is awkward to discuss sex. even more so when we talk to our kids about it. It won't get any less terrible by talking about it while munching on a bowl of potato chips or a cup of Haagen Dazs. Then, just as you think you've finished with the most difficult part—"the birds and the bees"—your children start pelting you with questions like fireballs.

Most parents would enquire, "Can't the conversation wait?," because they are so unwelcomed to the questions. The fact is, though, that while the world is discussing sex, our children aren't becoming any younger. Which would you like for your children to learn from—their classmates or you, the parents, in the secure environment of your home?

While the second option would undoubtedly be your response, it's crucial to take your time explaining and reacting without first laying the proper groundwork. As believers, we are aware that sex education encompasses more than simply banning minors from engaging in sex prior to marriage. It goes well beyond that, though.

Here, we've compiled a few ideas to provide your much-needed parent-child sex education session the proper biblical foundation.

1. Everything starts in Genesis.

Before the discussion on sex begins, we must take our attention back to the Creation, the very beginning of gender and sexuality. As a result, "God created man in his own image, in his own likeness; He created him male and female" (Genesis 1:27). It is important to note that although each is made in God's image, male and female have distinct characteristics.

Nobody is flawed or incorrectly designed, according to Esther Kurniawati, a Christian counselor and psychology lecturer at UPH, who noted that God created our bodies for certain reasons. He created His offspring and gave each of us—male and female—the proper identity and specific function in order to carry out his lovely purpose for us here on earth. In this manner, kids to accept them with a grateful heart and to have a clear awareness of the gender role and identity that God has made them for.

2. God made sex as a celebration.

For those of us who were raised in Eastern cultures, discussing sex is considered taboo. If you can relate to this, you will recall all too well how your parents reprimanded you for watching a kissing scene on television while keeping your eyes open. Unfortunately, the conversation around sex has turned into a cautionary tale-filled narrative in many homes.

We need to turn our attention to God by pondering why God initially created sex in order to prevent going down this road. Teach them that "God saw all he had made, and it was very good" (NIV, Genesis 1:31). Explain to kids why God did what He did Having sex serves three purposes: to procreate, to show our unity with Christ, and to firstly unite man and woman's love in a marriage bond. The third point may need to wait till the kids are old enough to understand it fully.

One lovely quote from an article in The Gospel Coalition is relevant to the Bible verse above. God created sex for our enjoyment and for our benefit, therefore we celebrate it, it read. In other words, as sex is a celebration that God made, it is sacred and lovely.

3. Timing.

Sexual urges would normally develop in youngsters as they get older. Parents should emphasize timing at this point. God not only created sex but also established rules for how to engage in it, with sex being a marriage-only activity. Parents should exercise caution while conveying the message. Explain that God wants us to reserve our time for Him rather than filling it with commands like "Don't become pregnant!" or "Pre-marital sex will wreck your future." elucidate God's desire for us to save some of ourselves for a certain someone in the future. In this way, kids will understand the profundity of sex and marriage and eventually retain their sexual integrity until they are prepared to enter the holy union of marriage with someone they love.

4. Because He loves us, God has created a standard for sex.

Christian parents today face a great problem in trying to protect their children in a time where sex has turned into a commodity and is used as entertainment on the internet and in the media. The way that sex, gender, and sexuality are taught in the world is distorted. Sex before marriage is now accepted, and homosexuality is pervasive.

Children should be reminded that everyone is a sinner and that everyone in the world is a sinner, which is why we need the Lord to restore our paths. According to 1 Corinthians 6:13 (NIV), "The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord is the use of the body 

It's a terrific chance to reiterate God's standards for sex to them. Because He is the all-knowing Creator of the heavens and the earth, He has created this standard not to constrain His children but rather because He loves us and knows what is best for us. The way we as God's children respond to this is by carrying out His commands.

The only thing left to do after learning about the biblical basis for sex education for our kids is to start the dialogue. The recipe is rather straightforward: cultivate an atmosphere of honesty and trust with youngsters by having a constructive dialogue about sex. Do not feel embarrassed to talk about sex, gender, and sexuality in public.

Children who grow up in families where sexuality is openly discussed are not only healthier and happier, but they also postpone participation in a range of risky behaviors, including sexual activity, according to Deborah Ruffman, an expert on teen sexuality and the author of Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids' "Go-To" Person About Sex.

You can engage the younger children in conversation by responding to their inquiries about the distinctions between boys and girls, depending on their age. You can allay pre-teens' concerns about unsuitable TV advertisements by providing information. Always begin the dialogue while a child is a young age. Maintain the rapport you establish with your kids as it grows. When your kids repeatedly ask, It shows that they are at ease bringing up such subjects with their parents.


Hallo : Sex Education in the school with I'm World

  An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Relationships and Sex

sex education

Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships was written by the School of Sexuality Education. By that time, we had been conducting sex and relationship education workshops in schools for a number of years, and we wanted to make the most of all the knowledge we had acquired. We determined that the best way to do that would be to co-write a book that students around the nation could access, regardless of who they were or where they were.

Our team, which consists of physicians, educators, activists, and academics, believed that it was crucial to include many various viewpoints and voices in the book, both in terms of expertise and the particular mixes of life experiences that make each of us individuals. As a result, it was truly a team effort, and we are proud of it, to be honest! The outcome, in our opinion, is an encouraging, useful, and powerful manual for teenagers that addresses challenging subjects in an accepting and nonjudgmental manner.

Each of the nine chapters—consent, gender, sexuality and identity, relationships, the body, what is sex?, reproductive health, sexual health, body image, and online life—concentrates on a different one of those complex subjects. We hope to address the concerns that young people—people of all ages, really—might not feel comfortable raising elsewhere.

We also included a few more sections in addition to the chapter's primary text. One of these is the "myth vs truth" boxes, which offer factual data to refute some of the widespread "myths" about sex and relationships that frequently surface in the classroom. Additionally, there are "did you know?" boxes that reveal amusing or intriguing facts, "tips and tricks" sections, and "consider" boxes that provide additional information to aid readers in seeing the "larger picture." Last but not least, each chapter also includes a variety of "unembarrassable moments" when various team members relate anecdotes about their own personal experiences to tie the knowledge to some real-life situations and demonstrate that we are truly invulnerable!

The book is crammed with information due to the variety of themes and features it covers, yet readers aren't expected to absorb everything at once. Teenagers can read the chapters in whatever order they like, or they can simply skim the different sections until they find something they're interested in. It really is for anybody and everyone, so we've included some comments in the back for teachers and parents in case they wish to use the book to initiate dialogues with the young people in their lives.

We hoped that Sex Ed could be used as a planning and teaching tool when we wrote the note for teachers, so we're thrilled that several teachers have already expressed their appreciation for its value in helping them to clarify information, spark discussion, and determine the best way to frame concepts. In response to this positive feedback, we are currently attempting to get at least one copy into each school library in the UK. This will not only benefit more teachers, but it will also provide every youngster in the nation access to the crucial knowledge the book contains, giving them the chance to comprehend themselves, their relationships, and one another better.

Given the lofty goal of having Sex Ed in every UK school, we are raising money through crowdfunding to send copies of the book to 1,000 schools by the end of 2022. Please click on this link for further details if you're interested in helping us accomplish this.


G Suite Launch from Google in Indonesia

  For those who are familiar with the IT world, it is not surprising that they are aware of the single Google product called G Suite. The ability to encourage collaboration and mobility is a feature that is clearly needed for IT in business in the current modern day.

In general, this application is a set of productivity tools based on computer-assisted processing that enable you to work anywhere. This service is entirely online, so you don't need to check the capacity of your office's meeting room. Consider contacting the local reseller in Indonesia and seeking advice regarding the G Suite Indonesian service as well as the capacity that best suits your current needs.

You can choose from a variety of G Suite product lines.

g suite

This article will explain the kind of services that you can choose from to use in your business. See more specifically:


This particular service is one of the ones that is most often used, especially by non-business users. In addition to email, there are built-in features that can be used for free but only with some limitations. Therefore, using this kind of thing is not recommended for business owners.

G Suite Standard

For those who are just starting out in business, you may want to consider using G Suite Basic to learn more about how the aforementioned service works. You will receive a maximum of 30 GB of upload capacity per user. The capacity in question includes each and every feature that can be added to a given account.

G Suite Enterprise

It is wise to upgrade and use the Business service as a backup plan if the Basic version is now unable to meet your technological needs. This single-use service can maintain its capacity till it stops declining. Additionally, there are features like Admin Konsol that let you control all of the data on your company's domain and Google Vault that acts as eDiscovery to make data easier to find.

G Suite Business

G Suite Enterprise, the newest version of this service, was just released by Google, and it differs from G Suite Business in that it has a few more features including DLP (Data Loss Prevention) and a more tightly integrated security system.

Google Classroom

In addition to that, Google has a single program that will support the education industry by introducing a support system. This feature is part of the business service that offers a class room where the instructor and student can interact constantly.


Hallo : The Google Store is coming to Brooklyn

  We inaugurated Google's first actual retail location in New York City a year ago. Since opening this flagship location in the renowned Chelsea area, we've heard from customers about how helpful it is to try out our devices firsthand, such as operating the Pixel 6 Pro or playing a YouTube playlist on Nest Audio. We are now making this experience available to more New Yorkers.

We're announcing today that we'll be opening a second physical location in Brooklyn's Williamsburg. The Google Store Williamsburg will be the first of our "local stores," providing comparable hands-on experiences with our products and services as our flagship store, but in a more individualized environment that honors the distinctive neighborhood we're in. On June 16, we'll begin welcome clients to our new site at 134 N. 6th Street.

Inside our neighborhood's first store

google store

The installation by Brooklyn-based artist Olalekan Jeyifous, whose work explores the connections between architecture, community, and the environment, can be found as soon as you enter the Google Store Williamsburg. We'll also hold community celebrations, such as led neighborhood walks where you may test new Pixel photography features.

Our Here to Help desk can be found below the installation. We're bringing this to the Google Store Williamsburg as well because customers at our Chelsea flagship store have expressed their appreciation for receiving service, such as Pixel phone repairs, directly from Google professionals.

Through interactive displays that demonstrate how our hardware and services interact, you'll also have the ability to envision daily living using our products. For instance, you can look into Google Fi phone contracts, figure out which color of the Pixel suits you the best, or find out how our phone cases are made more sustainably. While you wait, unwind on our couches and visualize using Google goods at home, a place that will also be used for neighborhood events. and workshop.

You will be able to quickly locate a product at the Grab & Go wall, exactly like at our flagship store, and pick up a pre-order that you placed with the Google Store online. Whatever brought you here, we'll assist you in finding what you require.

From Manhattan to Brooklyn, we'll constantly listening to customer feedback to ensure that you have the most beneficial shopping experience possible. When you visit the Google Store Williamsburg in June, we hope to see you there!


The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads with me [Examples]

  You'd better spend your money wisely if you're thinking of using advertisements to reach your target market.

That is, a location that receives more than 2.9 billion unique visitors each month and 5 billion daily interactions.

similar to Google.

google ads

Just two years after Google.com, the most well-known website in the world, Google Ads was introduced. The advertising platform first appeared in October 2000 under the name Google Adwords, but in 2018 it underwent a rebranding and became known as Google Ads.

It's no secret that these days, the more effective and targeted your paid advertisements are, the more clicks you get, which increases your chances of attracting new clients.

It should come as no surprise that organizations across all industries have started to use Google Ads more frequently.

How to start advertising on Google is covered in this guide. In order to get the most results from your advertisements, we'll go through platform-specific features and show you how to optimize your campaigns.

Describe Google Ads.

Google Ads is a platform for paid advertising that operates under the pay-per-click (PPC) marketing model, in which you, the advertiser, pay per click or impression (CPM) on an ad.

Google Ads are a successful technique to attract qualified visitors, or good-fit clients, to your company who are looking for the goods and services you provide. You may improve in-store traffic, increase phone calls to your business, and increase internet traffic using Google Ads.

With Google Ads, you can make and distribute strategic advertisements to your target market on desktop and mobile devices. As a result, when your target clients use Google Search or Google Maps to look for goods and services similar to yours, your company will appear on the search engine results page (SERP).

By doing this, you can reach your target market at the right time for them to see your advertisement.

Notably, platform advertisements may also appear on YouTube, Blogger, and the Google Display Network.

In order for your company to achieve all of your paid campaign objectives, Google Ads will eventually assist you in analyzing and improving those advertisements to reach more individuals.

Learn how HubSpot can make you more successful.

You can also modify your advertisements to fit your budget regardless of the size of your company or the resources you have at your disposal. You can keep under your monthly budget with the help of the Google Ads tool, and you may even suspend or discontinue your ad spending at any moment.

Moving on to a more pressing concern, are Google Ads actually effective? Let's look at some facts to help us respond to this:

*The click-through rate for Google Ads is over 2%.

*180 million impressions from display advertising are generated per month.

*Paid ads on Google receive 65% of clicks from customers who are ready to buy.

*43% of buyers make a purchase after seeing an advertisement on YouTube.

Google Ads do indeed work. With an optimized ad campaign and lead flow, you may construct a marketing campaign with a high return on investment.

Why should I run a Google ad ?

With more than 5 billion searches performed each day, Google is the most popular search engine. Furthermore, the Google Ads platform has been in existence for about 20 years, providing it some experience and legitimacy in sponsored advertising.

People all over the world use Google as a resource to ask questions that are then answered by a combination of paid adverts and organic results.

Do you need one more? Your rivals are utilizing Google Ads (and they might even be bidding on your branded terms).

Because so many businesses use Google Ads to market their brands, even if you're ranking organically for a certain search keyword, your results will be pushed down the page under those of your rivals.

There is no way around using Google Ads if you're using PPC to advertise your goods or services (the only exception might be Facebook Ads, but that's another issue).

Best Practices for Google Ads

Don't give up if you've tried advertising on Google but had little luck. Your Google Ads may not be operating as they should for a variety of reasons. However, let's first go through some common Google Ads recommended practices.

1. Use a template for PPC planning.

You can keep your PPC efforts organized by using a planner. You can preview the character counts for your advertisements, see how they will appear online, and manage your campaigns all in one location using Google and HubSpot's PPC Planning Template.

2. Steer clear of general keywords.

Your strategy should include testing and fine-tuning because you really need to nail it for your keywords. Your ad will be shown to the wrong audience if your keywords are too general, which will result in fewer hits and a higher ad cost.

Examine what's working (i.e., which keywords result in clicks) and make changes to your ads as necessary to make them more relevant to your target market. The blend probably won't be perfect the first time, but you should keep introducing, eliminating, and adjusting keywords until it is.

Review the keyword techniques we discuss below.

3. Avoid running pointless adverts.

You won't obtain enough clicks if your ad doesn't correspond to the searcher's intent to make your ad spend worthwhile. The keywords you are bidding on must be reflected in your headline and ad copy, and the product you are promoting in your ad must address any problems the searcher may be having.

It's a combination that will provide the outcomes you want, and it could only require a few adjustments. With the option to generate many ads per campaign, you may test different versions to see which performs best. Use Google's Responsive Search Ads option instead, or even better.

Advice: Review our list of top ad copywriting tips.

4. Raise your quality rating (QS).

Google uses your Quality Score (QS) to decide where to place your ad.

Your rank and positions on the Search Engine Results Page will improve with a higher QS (SERP). Less people will see your advertisement and you will have fewer opportunities to convert if your quality score is low.

Although Google informs you of your Quality Score, it is up to you to raise it.

Advice: Continue reading to find out how to raise your QS.

5. Improve the landing page for your ads.

Your efforts shouldn't end with your advertisement; the user experience that follows a click is just as important.

When a user clicks your advertisement, what do they see? Is the conversion rate on your landing page optimized? Does the page address the problem or query of your user? The conversion process need to be easy for your user to move through.

Review best practices for landing pages and put them into practice to improve conversion rates.

- Type of AdRank Bidding Campaign

- Rate of Clicks

- Rate of Conversion

- Extensions for Display Network Ads

- Keywords

- Quality Score for PPC

You can set up, manage, and improve your Google Ads with the aid of these frequent phrases. While some of these are specifically tied to Google Ads, others are more broadly PPC-related. In either case, you must be aware of these to manage an efficient advertising strategy.

1. AdRank 

Your ad placement is determined by your AdRank. The higher the value, the better you'll rank, the more people will see your ad, and the more likely it is that they will click it. Your maximum bid multiplied by your Quality Score yields your AdRank.

2. Offers

You, the advertiser, choose a maximum bid amount you're ready to spend for a click on your ad in the Google Ads bidding system. The better your placement, the greater your bid should be. CPC, CPM, or CPE are your three possibilities when placing a bid.

The cost-per-click, or CPC, is what you pay for each time someone clicks on your advertisement.

The price you pay for one thousand ad impressions, or when your advertisement is displayed to a thousand individuals, is known as CPM, or cost per mille.

The sum you spend everytime someone responds to your advertisement is known as the "cost per engagement," or CPE.

Yes, we will discuss bidding tactics later.

3. Type of Campaign

You can choose from seven different campaign types before starting a sponsored campaign on Google Ads: search, display, video, shopping, app, smart, or performance max.

Text advertisements known as "search advertising" are shown alongside search results on a Google results page.

On websites that are part of the Google Display Network, display advertisements—which are often image-based—are displayed.

YouTube features six to fifteen second long video commercials.

The Google shopping tab and search results both display shopping advertisements.

App campaigns optimize ads across websites using data from your app.

Google finds the finest targeting for smart advertising to maximize your return on investment.

A new campaign type called Performance Max gives marketers access to all Google Ads.

4. The percentage of clicks (CTR)

Your CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks you receive to the number of views for your advertisement. A higher CTR implies a high-quality ad that targets pertinent keywords and matches search intent.

5.Conversion Rate (CVR)

Form submissions as a percentage of all landing page views are measured by CVR. Simply put, a high CVR indicates that your landing page offers a seamless user experience that fulfills the promise of the advertisement.

6. Network Show

Google advertising can appear on a webpage within Google's Display Network or the search results page (GDN). GDN is a network of websites that give Google Adverts space on their web pages. These text- or image-based ads are shown next to material that is pertinent to your target keywords. Google Shopping and app campaigns are the most often used Display Ad choices.

7. Ad Extensions 

You can add free more information to your advertisement by using Ad Extensions. Each of these ad extensions is covered here. These extensions can be classified into one of five categories: Sitelink, Call, Location, Offer, or App.

8. Key phrases

Google displays a number of results that are relevant to the searcher's purpose when a user submits a query into the search field. Keywords are words or phrases that fit the searcher's query and provide the results they are looking for. Depending on the searches you want your ad to appear next to, you choose your keywords. When someone searches for "how to wipe gum off shoes," for instance, they will see results for marketers who have chosen to target terms like "gum on shoes" and "clean shoes."

Lists of keywords that you don't want to rank for are known as negative keywords. You will be removed from the bid on these keywords by Google. Usually, these are only loosely connected to the keywords you were actually looking for.

9. PPC

Pay-per-click advertising, also known as PPC, involves the advertiser paying for each click on an advertisement. Although PPC is not exclusive to Google Ads, it is the most typical kind of paid campaign. Before starting your first Google Ads campaign, it's critical to comprehend all aspects of PPC.

10. Quality Score (QS)

Your Quality Score gauges the effectiveness of your ad based on factors like click-through rate (CTR), keyword relevance, landing page quality, and prior SERP performance. Your AdRank is based in part on QS.

To download our free user's guide to Google Ads, click here.

How do Google Ads function?

Potential leads or clients who are looking for your product or service are shown your ad through Google Ads. Depending on the sort of ad campaign chosen, advertisers bid on search phrases, or keywords, and the winners of that bid are displayed at the top of search results pages, on YouTube videos, or on relevant websites.

Your capacity to develop successful and high-performing Google Ads is impacted by a variety of things. They will be discussed here, along with several Google Ads samples.

High Quality Score and AdRank

Your advertising' placement is determined by AdRank, and one of the two factors—the other being bid amount—that affects your AdRank is Quality Score. Keep in mind that your Quality Score is based on the caliber and relevancy of your advertisement, and Google gauges this by the number of people that click on your advertisement when it is displayed, or CTR. Your ad's ability to successfully match searcher intent will determine how well it performs on click-through rates (CTR).

How relevant your keywords are

If the searcher receives what they anticipate from your ad copy and CTA,

The way people interact with your landing page

Even before you raise your bid amount, you should pay close attention to your QS when you first set up your Google Ad campaign. Your acquisition fees will be reduced and you'll be placed higher with a higher QS.


You choose the region where your Google Ad will be displayed when you first put it up. If you have a storefront, it should be quite close to where you are physically located. If you run an online store and sell actual goods, you should specify your location to the locations from which you ship. The possibilities are endless if you offer a service or good that is available to everyone in the world.

Your location settings will affect how you are placed. For instance, even if your AdRank is high, if you run a yoga studio in San Francisco, someone searching for "yoga studio" in New York won't see your result. That's because Google's main goal is to show users the best relevant results, even if you're paying for it.


Both paid advertisements and organic search benefit from keyword research. Your keywords should as closely as possible reflect the objective of the searcher. This is due to Google matching your advertisement with searches based on the keywords you chose.

One to five keywords are ideal for each ad group you designate inside your campaign, and Google will display your ad in accordance with those choices.

Pairing Types

Match Types provide you some leeway when it comes to choosing your keywords because they inform Google whether you want to match a search query precisely or if you want your ad to be displayed to everyone who enters a semi-related search query. There are four different match types available:

The default mode, known as Broad Match, uses any word inside your keyword phrase, in any sequence. For instance, "goat yoga in Oakland" or "yoga Oakland" will match.

By designating them with a "+" symbol, Modified Broad Match enables you to lock in specific words within a keyword phrase. Your matches will at the very least contain that locked-in term. For instance, searching for "+goats yoga in Oakland" can get results for "goats," "goats like food," or "goats with yoga."

Phrase Match will find matches for queries that contain your keyword phrase in the exact order, even if they contain other words either before or after it. Goat yoga, for instance, can also refer to "spotted goat yoga" or "goat yoga with pups."

Precise Match keeps your keyword phrase in the exact order that it is written. If someone types "goats yoga" or "goat yoga class," for instance, "goat yoga" won't appear.

Switch from a broad match to a more specific approach if you're just getting started and are unsure of how your persona will be searching so you can test which questions get the greatest results. However, because your ad will appear for a variety of queries, some of which are irrelevant, you should monitor your advertising carefully and make any necessary adjustments as you learn more.

Headline and Summary

Your ad copy may determine whether someone clicks on your ad or one from a rival. As a result, it's crucial that your ad language aligns with your target keywords, satisfies the persona's pain point, and matches the searcher's intent.

Let's look at an example to see what we mean.

This came up in a search for "infant swim instruction." The material is succinct and makes effective use of the available space to communicate its point and engage its intended audience.

Because The Swim Revolution used the phrase in their headline, we can immediately tell that the ad is relevant to our search. The description also explains why this is the ideal choice for swim lessons by addressing the issues that their persona, a parent trying to enroll their child in a swim class, would have.

They reassure us that we will succeed in this session and attain our desired result — a baby — by using words like "skills," "joy," "confidence," and "comfort in the water."that can swim.

Clicks will be generated by this type of advertisement, but conversions will come from incorporating this degree of intention into your landing page language.

Extensions to Ads

Ad Extensions should be used if you are running Google Ads for two reasons: they are free, and they give users more information and another motivation to interact with your advertisement. These extensions fall under one of the following five groups:

Sitelink Extensions give users more compelling reasons to click by extending your ad and adding further links to your website.

You can include your phone number in your advertisement using Call Extensions, giving users another quick option to contact you. Include your phone number if your customer care team is prepared to interact with and convert your audience.

By including your address and phone number in your ad, Location Extensions enable Google to provide searchers with a map that will help them easily locate you. This choice works well for the search term "near me" and is perfect for companies with a storefront.

Offer Extensions are effective if you are currently running a promotion. If users notice that your options are more affordable than those of your rivals, they may choose to click your advertisement instead of those of others.

For mobile users, app extensions offer a link to an app download. As a result, it is easier to find and download the software from an AppStore without having to conduct a new search.

Retargeting with Google Ads

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a strategy used in Google Ads to promote to consumers who have previously interacted with you online but have not yet purchased. Users who are tracked by cookies will see your advertising as they browse the web. Remarketing works well because most potential customers need to see your advertising repeatedly before becoming clients.

Search \sDisplay \sVideo \sApp \sShopping

On Google Ads, you may choose from one of five different campaign kinds. Let's discuss the best applications for each and the reasons why you would favor one over the other.

1. Ad campaigns for search

Text advertisements known as search adverts are seen on Google results pages. For illustration, a search for "pocket squares" yields the following sponsored results:

The advantage of search advertisements is that they allow you to publish your advertisement on Google, which is where most people turn to first when searching for information. Users are accustomed to viewing and clicking on results since Google displays your advertisement in the same way as other results (apart from designating it as a "Ad").

Ads for responsive search

When you utilize responsive search advertising, Google will choose the top-performing headlines and ad copy (15 and four variations, respectively) to show to users. When creating a static version of a standard advertisement, you always use the same headline and description.

With responsive advertisements, you can create dynamic ads that are automatically tested until you find the one that works best for your target demographic — or, in Google's case, until you get the most clicks.

2. Ad campaigns for displays

The Google Display Network is a collection of websites owned by Google that accept Google Ads and are in a variety of markets. The fact that the website owner is compensated for each click or impression on the adverts is advantageous. The advantage for advertisers is that they can expose their content to persona-relevant audiences.

These are frequently graphic advertising that divert readers' attention from the webpage's content:

3. Videos for ad campaigns.

Keep in mind that YouTube is a search engine as well. Therefore, using the appropriate keywords will bring up a movie and briefly stop the user's current course of action in order to get their attention.

The following video appears in the middle of another instructional film on how to knot a tie.

4. Ad campaigns in apps

Through an advertisement that appears on Google Search Network, YouTube, Google Play, Google Display Network, and other sites, Google App Campaigns advertise your mobile application.

You can run advertisements urging people to download your app or, if they already have it, to perform a specific action inside of it.

Unlike other ad formats, an App ad campaign is not something you create. Instead, tell Google about your app's features and target market before making a bid. Google takes care of the rest to expose your app to the appropriate users:

5. Advertising for online stores

Google Shopping Ad Campaigns are an additional sort of Google Ad. Similar to these other forms of ads, shopping campaigns are featured on SERPs and include specific product details like the price and image of the item. Through Google Merchant Center, where you provide particular product data that Google uses to construct your shopping advertising, you can launch a shopping campaign.

Shopping Ads let you advertise specific goods and product groups rather than your business as a whole. Because of this, when you conduct a Google search for a specific product, advertisements for several brands will appear at the top and/or side. When I search for "running shoes," I get results like these. Google Search ads are the ones at the top, but Shopping advertising for the particular items are displayed on the side and are tailored to the keyword "running shoes":

Use of Google Ads

Have we persuaded you to start utilizing Google Ads? Good. Starting is easy, but there are a few stages involved. Here is a step-by-step tutorial for creating your first Google Ads campaign.

1. Create a Google Ads account first.
Visit the Google Ads homepage first. Click "Start Now" in the top right corner of the screen.
You will be asked to sign in using an existing Google account or create a new one.

2. Pick a name for your company and a domain.
You will be directed to a screen after logging in where you must enter the name of your company and its website. Anyone who clicks on your advertisement will be directed to the URL you provide.

3. Decide on your marketing objective.
Choose your primary advertising objective next. You have four options: increase phone calls, website purchases or sign-ups, foot traffic to your storefront, and YouTube views and engagement.

4. Create your advertisement.
Your ad needs to be created next. This can be a little difficult and calls for inventiveness.
Thankfully, Google provides writing suggestions. Of course, writing an advertisement that will draw in and influence your audience is the most crucial step.

5. Include key phrase topics.
You can select keywords that go with your brand on the following page. If you're unfamiliar with keyword research, Google will offer a few for you; we advise starting with those suggestions. Click "Next" once the appropriate keywords have been chosen.

6. Choose the place for your advertisement.
You can select the area or locations where you want your advertisement to appear on the following page. It can be far from your home location or somewhere else.

7. Establish a budget.
Here, you can either specify a specific budget or choose from Google's budget possibilities.

8. Verify your payment.
Give your billing details last.
And just like that, you've made your first Google advertisement!

As you can see, creating your sponsored ads on Google is rather simple (and quick), largely because the platform guides you through the process and offers useful tips along the way. The setup should only take you ten minutes if you already have your ad wording and/or images ready.

Less evident are all the extra steps you must take to make sure your advertising are well-positioned and straightforward to track. Let's discuss these as a group. These are the actions you should do after submitting your advertising for approval.

9. Connect your Google Analytics profile.
If Google Analytics isn't already installed on your website, here's how to install it on WordPress so you can measure visitors, conversions, objectives, and any other special data. Additionally, you must connect your Analytics account to Google Ads. Because you can monitor these occurrences in one location, linking these accounts will make tracking, analyzing, and reporting between channels and campaigns much simpler.

10. Add UTM codes
Google uses Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) codes to monitor any activity connected to a particular URL. It's the portion of a URL that comes after the question mark ("?"). You've probably encountered these before. In order to track the most successful components of your campaign, UTM codes will let you know which offer or advertisement resulted in a conversion. Since UTM codes let you know exactly what's working, optimizing your Google Ads is much simpler.

The secret is to enter your UTM codes when configuring your Google Ads so that you don't have to manually add them for each ad URL. If not, you can manually add them using Google's UTM builder.

11. Establish conversion tracking.
Conversion tracking lets you know precisely how many clients or leads came from your advertising campaigns. It is not required to be set up, but without it, you will have to estimate the ROI of your advertising. With conversion tracking, you can monitor purchases (or other actions) made through your website, app downloads, or phone calls generated by your advertisements.

12. Connect your CRM and Google Ads.
Keeping all of your data in one location where you can track, examine, and report on it has some merit. You already track contact information and lead flows in your CRM. To continue promoting to your audience with offers that are relevant to them, you may track which ad campaigns are effective for them by integrating Google Ads with your CRM.

Strategies for Bidding on Google Ads
It's time to start bidding once your ad campaigns are set up and tracking is established. Keep in mind that your potential to rank in Google Ads depends on your bid strategy. When starting your paid campaign, there are a few methods and bid settings you should be aware of even though your bid amount will rely on your budget and objectives.

Manual vs. Automated Bidding
When it comes to bidding on your keywords, you have two choices: automated and manual. Here is how they function:
With Automated Bidding, Google is in charge and the software might modify your bid based on your rivals. You can still select a maximum spending limit, and Google will work within that range to offer you the best opportunity to place the winning bid.
By using manual bidding, you can control the bid levels for your ad groups and keywords, which gives you the opportunity to spend less on advertisements that aren't working well.

A Branded Search Term Auction
Branded terms include the name of your business or a distinctive product, such as "HubSpot CRM." Whether or not to bid on your brand phrases is a topic of significant discussion. On one side of the argument, placing a bid using criteria that will probably provide organic outcomes could be considered as a waste of money.

On the other hand, placing a bid for these phrases provides you control over these pages of search results and aids in the conversion of prospects who are further along the cycle. For example, if I've been looking at live chat tools and am strongly considering HubSpot's Live Chat, a quick search for "HubSpot live chat software" will give me the exact result I need without having to scroll.

The other justification for bidding on your branded phrases is that if you don't, your rivals might, so occupying valuable space that ought to be yours.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
You can set a CPA instead and only pay when a user converts into a customer if the thought of paying money to convert prospects into leads unnerves you. Even while this bidding technique could be more expensive, you can rest easy knowing that you only pay when you acquire a paying customer. This tactic makes tracking and defending your advertising expenditure simple.

Additional Resources for Google Ads Optimization
Your sponsored campaign's success depends on more than just your ad copy and headline. Just getting a person to click is the first step... They ought to land on a landing page that is designed to convert before being transferred to a thank-you page that instructs them on what to do next.

Check out these extra resources and use them as guidelines when you build up your Google Advertising campaign if you want your ads to generate quality leads and clients.

*In order to avoid wasting those priceless clicks, Landing Page Best Practices will show you how to create a landing page that is optimized for conversions.
*What to do with your new lead after conversion, how to keep them on your site, and how to keep their interest are all covered in Optimized "Thank You" Pages.
*A Few Mobile Tips Google Advertisements teaches you how to optimize both desktop and mobile ads as well as the main distinctions between them.
*You may learn how we at HubSpot maximize our Google Ads expenditure to get the best ROI by reading Optimizing Google Ads Costs.
*Examples of successful Google advertising campaigns are provided in Quality Google Ads Examples That Convert.

Tips for Google Ads
Here are a few quick recommendations or best practices to keep in mind as you develop successful campaigns now that you understand how to use and set up a Google Ad campaign.

These have been extensively explored in this essay, but it is impossible to exaggerate how important they are. Use this as a checklist that you can use repeatedly.

1. Set a specific aim.
Instead of developing an ad first and then changing it to match your objectives, it's critical to clarify your objectives before you construct your advertisement. Meet with your marketing team to develop SMART goals for your Google Ads campaigns and a plan for your advertising.

2. Make a landing page that is pertinent.
Make sure the URL you enter when asked to when generating your ad points to a pertinent landing page. If your ad is compelling enough to be clicked, you risk undoing all your hard work if the landing page is subpar.

As a result, make your landing pages as effective as possible so that your advertisement can turn a curious visitor into a paying customer. For more instructions on how to construct effective landing pages, see our landing page tutorial.

3. Make good use of keywords.
It simply makes sense that you select the top keywords for your advertisement because they are so crucial.

Long-tail keywords are among the best because they can target a single firm and are extremely specialized.

Let's use the example of running a cat clinic. A local audience won't be reached by a general term like "cat clinic," but something like "cat clinic in Belvedere" is more likely to do so.

4. Automate the procedure
Conversions can be increased by optimizing the bidding process. Your bids may be raised or lowered for you using tools like Smart Bidding, depending on your chances of success.

As a result, you will only invest money where there is a greater likelihood of success.

5. Make use of ad extensions
Extensions can improve the effectiveness of your advertising. You can identify your regions, services, products, or promotional offers using these extensions.

For instance, you may put your phone number in your advertisement so that people can contact and ask about your services straight away.

6.Use limiting keywords.
You can incorporate negative keywords in Google Ads. By utilizing these keywords to describe what your product or service is not, you can avoid appearing in unrelated SERPs.

In the hypothetical cat clinic, you might only treat cats and not dogs or other kinds of animals. You can disregard qualifiers like "dogs" in this situation.

7. Evaluate and tweak your strategy.
You can monitor significant data like page popularity, the most popular keywords, and more when you combine your advertisements with Google Analytics.

You can enhance the quality of your advertising, increase conversions, and boost income over time by gathering and evaluating these and other information.

Get your Google Ads campaign going.

Given its power and reach, Google Ads ought to be a component of your paid campaign. Use the advice we provided to get going, and keep in mind to tweak and improve as you go.

There are just campaigns that require a little bit more work; there are no Google Ads campaigns that don't work. You have everything you need to construct an effective Google Ad campaign that generates clicks and leads by using the above strategy and information.

Editor's note: For the sake of completeness, this article, which was initially published in November 2015, has been updated.

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