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Friday 26 August 2022

Discover Jiangsu: ancient gateway to the Maritime Silk Road with i'm world

 Explore Jiangsu Province on a discovery tour to learn about the past and legacy of China's Maritime Silk Road.


Jiangsu, a dazzling province of China, has all the physical attributes to lend it a leading position in the epic story of China's historic Maritime Silk Road. It is known whimsically as shui xiang, or "the country of water." Jiangsu was crucial in facilitating the exchange of priceless goods and epoch-defining ideas between China and southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and even the east coast of Africa over centuries of trade and tribute. Jiangsu boasts more than 600 miles of coastline and both the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal flow through it.

Today, Jiangsu is home to numerous historical sites and tourism-related amenities that honor the accomplishments of the Maritime Silk Road. Here are some cities to visit to get a real feel of Jiangsu's illustrious history for history aficionados or the merely interested.



The Jiangsu city of Nanjing was designated the capital of China at the beginning of the Ming dynasty. A strong wall was built around it, one of the longest ever constructed, and major portions of it still exist and may be traversed today. At the southern foot of Purple Mountain, in a splendid mausoleum, is the body of the Hongwu emperor, the first of the dynasty. A majestic funerary walkway adorned with an honor guard of stone statues leads to his enormous tomb, which is listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.
In 1403, the Yongle Emperor, who succeeded him, gave Zheng He, a soldier who rose to prominence under the emperor, the order to build a fleet of "treasure ships." Zheng led one of the largest and most technologically advanced fleets of ships the world has ever seen on seven historic sea expeditions. The Treasure Shipyard Relic Park houses a recreation of one of Zheng's greatest ships as well as artifacts including shipbuilding tools and ship pieces, providing further evidence that these powerful ships were constructed in Nanjing.

treasure ship

The treasure ships were loaded with a priceless gift of china and silk used to advance diplomatic ties with neighboring countries. The city of Nanjing itself served as a significant silk producing hub. Visit the Jiangning Imperial Silk Manufacturing Museum and the Nanjing Silk Brocade Museum to witness some of the best silk clothing in the world, many of which were made especially for the imperial family, to better appreciate why Chinese silks were such a highly prized commodity.

Lianyungang and Yangzhou

Jiangsu is also a region where ideas, ideologies, and even religions are disseminated through water. Jianzhen, a Tang-dynasty monk, lived in Yangzhou, a city renowned for its superb Huaiyang cuisine and historic gardens. He was the abbot of Yangzhou's Daming Temple in the eighth century, which is still open for visitors and is located on Shugang Mountain. Jianzhen made multiple unsuccessful maritime expeditions to Japan before finally succeeding and bringing Buddhism's teachings there.

Buddhism first arrived in China during the Han era, many years earlier. The name of Kongwang Mountain, a picturesque mountain in northern Jiangsu, which is close to the modern city of Lianyungang, comes from the idea that Confucius once ascended there. To observe a collection of historic Buddhist engravings etched into a cliff face, visitors can climb the mountain, as the Great Sage is supposed to have done in the past. 
These carvings, which are among the earliest instances of Buddhist art in China, demonstrate the significance of the Maritime Silk Road and the Jiangsu province in the development of Chinese religion.The tombs of visiting foreign dignitaries are some of Jiangsu's more remarkable Maritime Silk Road artifacts. A descendent of the prophet Mohammed is supposed to be interred in Yangzhou's Puhaddin's Tomb, having traveled across the sea to spread his own beliefs.

One of the goods that was important to Jiangsu's history of trade and boosted the province's wealth and success was salt. Natural salt deposits in Yancheng, which is Chinese for "salt city," were a significant supply. But the Maritime Silk Road's role in facilitating trade is simply one aspect of its story. This amazing maritime corridor in Yancheng is also the destination for the lengthy migrations of uncommon bird species including cranes, egrets, and spoonbill sandpipers. The city is home to the beautiful Yellow Sea wetlands, a natural sanctuary that can be compared to an international port, except that instead of being used by ships, the wetlands are used by migratory birds to rest and eat the abundant aquatic life and before beginning their lengthy journeys, flora discovered there.

Miles and miles of expansive tidal flats are ready to be explored at Yancheng National Nature Reserve and Dafeng National Nature Reserve, making them an intriguing location for birdwatchers and people who love the calm and quiet of open nature. These distinctive habitats, which include salt marshes and mudflats, were designated a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 2019.


Since ancient times, things have been transported in and out of the province by water at the thriving port city of Nantong in Jiangsu. Even today, fleets of tough fishing vessels navigate the East China Sea, catching yellow croaker, seabream, sea crabs, and numerous more mouthwatering seafood delicacies. Visitors can browse the enormous commercial seafood market in Lusi Port Town, which has a thousand years of nautical history, and select the freshest catch of the day, which is pulled out of tanks by stall owners and boiled or cooked in boiling woks while you wait.
lusi port

The numerous tourism activities in Lusi are categorized as "sea culture," with the opportunity to see marine life at the Nantong Underwater World among the attractions. The landscape of Jiangsu's offshore region may be seen from the bustling beach of Lusi. 

Here, large commercial container ships and smaller fishing boats navigate the same waters where Zheng He's fleet's wooden-hulled treasure ships embarked on their legendary excursions centuries ago. The continuation of trade and exploration demonstrates that the old Maritime Silk Road hasn't actually vanished and is still alive and well today.


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