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Friday 26 August 2022

Hallo World : Stories from the Field: COVID-19 Response Special Series - Mongolia (WHO : World Health Organization)

 Mobile health clinics in Mongolia provide primary healthcare to underserved populations.


Due to its size, Mongolia has a difficult time reaching out to rural and underserved communities, including nomadic peoples, migratory workers, and unregistered residents. It is demonstrating to be a low-cost efficient strategy to eliminate imbalances and ensuring that everyone, everywhere can receive the health services they need. This is done through the use of mobile health technologies using a primary health care approach.

Find out how Mongolia is contributing to the creation of a more equitable and healthy world.

This is a developing story that will be updated as more data comes in from the field. Please return often to see any updates.

Norov Bayarjargal, a local herder in the southernmost village of Mongolia known as Dersene-Us, appears in front of a temporary mobile health clinic. He is in the Gobi Desert. Aside from the two yurts next to him and the sporadic herds that graze the area, nothing but desert and sky can be seen for kilometers in the distance. The sub-provincial health center's mobile health team, which visits herder communities in their homes, just held a session with Norov.

The mobile health team examines herders and their families for communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as for blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They also provide women with ultrasounds. Through this service, Norov was given a diagnosis of gallbladder and renal issues a month ago. He was then referred to the closest neighborhood (sub-province or soum) health center, where a doctor gave him the necessary medications.

"I obtained prompt treatment and an early diagnosis as a result of the mobile health screening. My diet of salt and animal fat should be reduced, according to the medical authorities. Regardless of my financial situation, I need to choose a healthy lifestyle because I know that health is wealth", stated Norov.

Due to its size, Mongolia faces numerous difficulties in providing health care to its residents, particularly those who reside in underserved and distant rural areas, as well as vulnerable and nomadic groups, migrants, and unregistered individuals.

The government ran an effort known as M-Health, or "Expanding Use of Mobile Health Technology in Primary Care Toward Universal Health Coverage in Mongolia," from 2016 to 2020. Through the UHC Partnership, the Korea Foundation for International Health Care, and the Community Chest of Korea, it received support from WHO.

Primary health care practitioners are also observing the difference that the M-Health project is making to the lives of distant communities.

The quality and accessibility of preventative health exams among locals have improved over the past two years as a result of the M-Health project. 90% of the population have access to preventive health exams as of 2019. Dr. Chuluuntsetsetseg Erdenechuluun, Director of the Mandakh Soum Health Center, Dornogobi Province, stated that the majority of remote herders reside 130 kilometers from the soum [sub-province] health center and that health workers primarily reached them through mobile health service delivery.

One of the 115 nations and regions to whom the UHC Partnership provides assistance and technical know-how to advance UHC is Mongolia. The European Union (EU), the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Irish Aid, the Government of Japan, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the United Kingdom - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and Belgium are among the organizations that have contributed to the Partnership's funding.

More Information Here.



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